ONLINE Strengths Approaches Conference Connects 20+ Remote Sites with conference site

The Centers of Excellence for Children with Special Needs delivered the ONLINE Strengths Approaches Conference November 6 & 7, 2008 in partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak. 

Over 65 delegates in over 20 remote video conference sites were engaged learning how to help our children and youth who struggle with mental health issues.

Topics included understanding and helping children and youth who stuggle with FASD, ADHD, ODD and depression and innovative programs who tackle these issues. 

Highlights included the Youth Suicide Council, Dr. Edward Rawana and representatives from the Sister Margaret Treatment Centre and others who shared real-life experiences and evidence-based practices.

Remote delegates were active in discussions and Q&A and could follow along as all the handouts were posted online.

This is the third such conference that the COE has delivered with KO and reached so many remote delegates thanks to the hard work of local technicians. 

Thank you to the COE for their understanding and promotion of the importance of video conferencing and engaging our communities in this valuable conference. 


Click here to checkout the website for handouts, resources and contact information.


Archives of selected workshops will also be available in the near future.