Bell Canada to Install Telephone Services in Saugeen Nation

Saugeen Nation is anxiously awaiting the Bell Canada technicians in their community so the fibre cable can be run from Savant Lake and telephone service becomes available for community members. FedNor and Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff are working with Saugeen Nation to assist the community to access these services as well as ICTs for their school, band office, health centre and police station.

Under the First Nations SchoolNet program, Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff are supporting First Nation schools to get on-line and access the resources required for students to develop the skills required to share their stories and experiences with others. On April 22, KO staff travelled to Saugeen Nation to survey the existing facilities, meet with the Saugeen Nation administration and map out a development strategy that will see the students and staff at the school getting on-line in the next few weeks.

Check out the pictures of the community.