Planning for Telehealth Services in Sioux Lookout Zone First Nations

Members of the Sioux Lookout Health Zone Telehealth Sustainability Working Group met by teleconference on April 17 to discuss the strategy for developing telehealth services in each of the First Nations across the region. The next steps in the preparation of a business case for Health Canada's Primary Care Health Transition Fund were presented with everyone taking on different tasks so the proposal can be completed and submitted by May 22 deadline.

Present at this meeting were John Rowlandson (chair), Lynda Roberts, Dr. Ed Brown, Carl Seibel, Orpah Mckenzie, James Kakepetum, Dr. Claudette Chase, Paul Capon, Alvin Fidder, Brian Beaton, Janet Gordon and Donna Williams. Regrets came from James Adams, Rosalie Davis, Frank Schmidt, Nancy Sagmeister, Susan Sue Chan and Jim Morris.

Agenda Items included:

1. Business Arising from December meeting
2. Sustainability Update

3. Key PHCTF Issues

  • Key PHCTF Questions (attached)
  • Draft budget for review (attached)

4. Other Items
5. Next Meeting: Thursday 15 May, 2003 - 0900 to 10:30 (CENTRAL)

Next Steps includes:

  • providing an update to all partner First Nations and organizations across the region;
  • obtaining letters of support and/or band council resolutions from each First Nation and organization;
  • securing additional funding partners for this development (NOHFC, FedNor, HRDC, SLAAMB, etc);
  • producing and submitting the business case to Health Canada by May 22.

Everyone is invited to submit their comments and letters of support for this initiative below. On-line documentation about this initiative can be found at: