KO Presentations to Nexus Tech 2003 gathering in Vancouver

The Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations presentation to the audience attending the Native Investment and Trade Association conference in Vancouver is now on-line in a PDF format (639K). As well, John Rowlandson, KO former Telehealth Project Manager presentation about KO's telehealth services is also available (1.2M PDF)

The technicians in Vancouver were able to get their equipment working with the hotel's IP connection and the video conference from KO's Sioux Lookout office was able to take place a day late. The slides could not be seen on the receiving end because the software being used would not accept that data. The video portion seems to have worked so most of the information was presented orally.

Thanks to the conference organizers and the folks at AlterNet Systems Inc for making this connection possible for us to share our story about connecting remote First Nations to broadband.