Ontario seeking proposals for community-based greenhouse gas reduction projects

Press Release

McGuinty Government Seeks Community-based Greenhouse Gas Reduction Projects

October 15, 2008 

Ontario is helping communities reduce greenhouse gasses by continuing funding for local projects through its Community Go Green Fund.

Now in its second year, the fund supports grassroots, community-based initiatives that complement other strategies in the government's plan to fight climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

All not-for profit community groups, small municipalities, First Nations and environmental organizations are encouraged to apply. Projects should encourage people to switch to a lower carbon lifestyle and target groups that need, but have not yet received, information on climate change.

To apply or obtain more information, visit www.gogreenontario.ca/cggf. Application deadline is November 26, 2008.


"We need the public's help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions if we are going to successfully fight climate change. Go Green projects are reaching out to people in all walks of life to make changes that collectively, produce significant results," Ontario Environment Minister John Gerretsen said.


The Community Go Green Fund is a four-year, $6.6-million program, announced in August 2007.

Applications must include a business plan with time lines, budget and expected measurable results.

To date, 23 community-based projects, including a Toronto-Niagara "bike train"; a Rouge Park-area wetland climate-change education project and an energy-saving program for tenants in privately-owned multi-residential households across the province, have received over $2 million in funding.

Ontario's climate change plan includes initiatives involving transit, technology research and development, and energy conservation and source development.


About the projects that were funded in 2007 at Backgrounder: Community Go Green Fund Recipients

> The Alternative Transportation Options Association of Toronto (Toronto-Niagara Bike Train) at www.biketrain.ca

> Toronto Environmental Alliance "Low Income Tenant Energy Savers" (Lites) program at http://www.torontoenvironment.org/

> Friends of the Rouge Watershed Inc. at http://www.frw.ca/



John Karapita, Minister’s Office, 416-314-6736
John Steele, Communications Branch, 416-314-6666

Contact information for the general public:
416-325-4000 or 1-800-565-4923