Beausoleil First Nation hosts visit from Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telemedicine

KOTM Press Release ...

KOTM visits Beausoleil First Nation


In August KOTM Regional Coordinator Nancy Muller was invited to visit Beausoleil First Nation, a KOTM community on Christian Island in the Georgian Bay.

Beausoleil Community Telemedicine Coordinator Dagmar Sandy and Nancy spent Aug 6th in Midland-Penetanguishine, the closest large community and home of many of the health programs that service the FN. They met with delegates from the Community Network of Specialized Services for Central Region and connected with the Training Coordinator for the North Region as well. Next it was to the Pharmacy where they had the opportunity to discuss video conferencing options with the pharmacist. The Huronia District Hospital where they met the Telemedicine Coordinator and had a tour and discussion. Their final stop was Penetanguishine General Hospital where they met with the diabetes program regarding the prospect of video conferencing clinics in the future.

Aug 7th Nancy rode the ferry run by Beausoleil FN along with community Dr. Marty McNamara and the Community Nurses. On the beautiful Island a warm welcome was given by all and much opportunity to discuss the video conferencing needs for the health department. A productive meeting and lunch were enjoyed by the Chief, Rodney Monague Jr., Councilor Dwayne King, Health Director Valerie Monague, Community Nurse, Mary Paille, Home Care Nurse, Beth Henderson, CHR Irene Monague, student RPN, Jenna Marsden. Dr McNamara and a visiting medical student also took part. After the meeting Dagmar treated Nancy to a tour of the Island, including its housing, store, senior's apartments, recreation facility, powwow site and the many beautiful beaches and lakes.

A better understanding of the both KOTM and Beausoleil's strengths and challenges was gained and relationships established. Now the work continues..........