covers 4th Annual Full Moon Memory Walks in Thunder Bay covered the 4th Annual Full Moon Memory Walk in Thunder Bay with a great video. The walk remembers the native women murdered and missing in the city.

Check it out at ... be sure to check the entire web site and its creator ... Richard Ogima ..

About the creator of 

When I was 14 years old, I was part of a youth experience program that allowed us to participate in media projects. It was there that I learned I had a deep connection to media and was encouraged to pursue the broadcasting industry.

Decades later, due to various complications, I still haven’t been able to pursue the role countless people have suggested I should move towards. My life long aim is be a broadcaster and thanks to the technological capabilities and inexpensive equipment, I can now chase my own dreams or perhaps chase after what destiny has called me into.

NishTV is a place for me to start developing my speaking and broadcasting skills. During this point in my life, I also feel the need to give back to the community. NishTV allows me to do this by finding unexposed or interesting stories in a community of people that could value and benefit from the excitement of having somebody promote their story to the world.

Thanks to those who have been patient with me as I develop my skills and polish off some technical problems in this website. I am naturally good with designs and communications; however, it has taken me countless hours of research and tech-crunching to find out how to turn my ideas into suitable content for the internet. I am very thankful for the thousands of articles posted on-line that help an average Nish (guy) to tap into the on-line media world.

If you’re living in Thunder Bay and wish to share in this experience, perhaps you have a story to tell, please contact me and we can discuss these things.

During this point in my life, I receive no funding for this project. This project is based on large amounts of creativity, which I am not short of, and large amounts of technical troubleshooting. If you would like to assist in helping me raise money for better equipment, please visit the Support link.

Richard Ogima

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