NAN Annual Report 2007-2008 presented to chiefs at Keewaywin conference available online

NAN Annual Report 2007-2008

Grand Chief Stan Beardy

Booshoo and Wacheya to the people, Chiefs and Councils, Elders, women and youth of Nishnawbe Aski. On behalf of the Executive Council and staff of Nishnawbe Aski Nation I present the 2007-2008 NAN Annual Report. The following is a brief summary of overall activities within the portfolio of the Grand Chief (see other sections of this Annual Report for the full reports).

This year has been a challenging year for the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Northern Ontario is an international development hot spot with mineral resources and untapped energy sources. Both government and industry are pressing NAN to open the development gates. NAN is accelerating bilateral discussions with the Government of Ontario to ensure that this development takes place within the framework of our Aboriginal and treaty rights. The relationship with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), under the bilateral agreement, is being revised and revamped. The agreement has been expanded to include all federal departments responsible. The need for strong relationships based on our rights is highlighted by the deteriorating state of infrastructure in member First Nations. The consequences of the historic underfunding of NAN First Nations are being enhanced by the current economic policies, particularly those of the Conservative Party of Canada.

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Grand Chief Stan Beardy Report

Executive Director's Report

Finance & Administration
Financial Position
Human Resources
Office Infrastructure

NAN/Canada Bilateral Protocol
Land Rights & Treaty Research
Land Rights & Treaty Research Unit
The Specific Claims Tribunal Act (Bill C-30)
The Political Accord - AFN and the Minister of Indian Affairs
The Ipperwash Report
NAN Treaty Land Entitlement MOU with Canada and Ontario
Fur Depot Program
Lands & Resources Secretariat
Revitalization of Intergovernmental Forum in Ontario (IGR)
Woodland Caribou Policy Development
Northern Ontario Sustainable Communities Partnership
NAN/Canada Treaty Discussion Forum
Treaty Implementation Framework
Treaty Strategic Plan

Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler Report

Health Policy & Planning
Aboriginal Healing & Wellness Strategy
National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NAYSPS)
Pandemic Planning
Regional Health Survey (RHS)
Chiefs of Ontario Health Planning Forum
Ontario First Nation Health Accord
NAN-FNIH Joint Working Group
NAN-Ministry of Health Promotions Administrative Protocol
Cancer Care Ontario (CCO)
Community Programs
Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children (AHBHC)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Special Projects
Crisis Team Program – Funding
Crisis Team Program – Ongoing Training Strategy

Communications & Information Technology
Restructuring to Meet Priorities for 2006-2009
Employee Communications
Communication with NAN Members and Organizations
Media Relations
Communication & Information Technology

Bushie Inquest
Goudge Inquiry
Abraham J. (A.J.) Miles
Kashechewan Inquest
Sheila Childsforever Inquest
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation Appeal

Deputy Grand Chief RoseAnne Archibald Report

Social Services
Regional Social Services Commission
First Nations Legislation
NAN Territorial Child and Family Services
Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services
Women & Youth
NAN Women's Council
NAN Decade for Youth & Development
Family Healing Initiative
Matrimonial Real Property (MRP)
Intergovernmental Network on Northern Aboriginal Youth (IGN)
Strategic Development of IGN during 2007-2008
2007-2008 Key Deliverables of IGN
IGN Brokers Partnerships to Develop Programs and Benefit Communities
Documenting Return on Investment: Evaluating IGN Action
IGN Generating Investment to Community Development
IGN Benefits to NAN Communities

Deputy Grand Chief Terry Waboose Report

Education Strategic Plan
Education Capital/Infrastructure
Education Awareness Campaign
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Education Policy Framework
Bullying Prevention Education Workshops
Special Education Capacity Development
NAN First Nation Strategic Housing Plan
Water and Sewer
Establishment of a Water Quality Unit, Safe Drinking Water
Governance Secretariat
Independent Power Authorities (IPA)

Winter Roads

CETI-NAN-wide Senior Management Committee Progress Update
CETI-NAN-wide Senior Management Committee Progress Update (Communications/Media)

Resolution Updates

Lands & Resources

Resolution #07/39: Land Use Planning in Far Northern Ontario
Resolution #07/72: Biofibre
Resolution #07/38: Matawa First Nations Judicial Review Application
Resolution #07/57: Traditional Territory Protection in Kenogami Forest
Resolution #07/85: Parks De-Designation
Resolution #07/89: NAN Sectoral Policy Development
Resolution #08/07: Shelter Rights Support for Aroland First Nation
Resolution #07/94: Revenue Sharing
Resolution # 08/09: Demand the Government of Ontario Revoke Plantinex Drilling License
Resolution #08/28: Rejection of the Rosehart Report: “Northwestern Ontario: Preparing for Change,” February 2008
Resolution #07/71: Mining Advocacy Measures
Resolution #08/30: Immediate Release of the KI 6 from Jail Health Policy & Planning
Resolution #07/36: NAN Treaty Approach to Local Health Integration Network
Resolution #07/77: Diabetes Epidemic Planning
Resolution #07/49: Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy Renewal Community Programs
Resolution ##07/42: Birth Registration/Documentation Blitz Special Projects
Resolution #05/15: Recognition of Cristal Lake and Stirland Lake And Poplar Hill Residential Schools

Women & Youth

Resolution #01/62: Intergovernmental Committee on Youth Suicide
Resolution #08/19: Support for NAN Youth Film Training Pilot Project Education
Resolution #08/05: Education Awareness Week
Resolution #08/11: Attawapiskat Elementary Education Support Resolution
Resolution #08/12: Support for North Spirit Lake School Resolution
Resolution #08/23: Cat Lake First Nation School Support Resolution
Resolution #07/54: Nishnawbe Education Committee Terms of Reference
Resolution #07/56: AFN Education Funding Shortfall
Resolution #07/73: Education Funding for On-Reserve

NAN Consolidated Financial Statements – March 31, 2008
NAN Staff Directory