KO Staff Demonstrate Broadband at NAN Chiefs' Meeting

Keewaytinook Okimakanak set up an information and display booth at the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Chiefs' conference (http://www.nan.on.ca) at the Travelodge (Airlane) Hotel in Thunder Bay. Members of the KO Smart team shared stories and information about the work that is taking place as part of the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations Demonstration Project.

As well, we webcast different parts of the NAN Chiefs' meeting on the internet over the three days. Everyone was welcomed to join the Chiefs' Meeting along with some special meetings that we hosted over the three days with different guests. Check out http://smart.firstnation.ca to see what happened at the Airlane Hotel during this event. Everyone was invited to actively participate in this on-line event from wherever they had access to the internet.

Pictures from the different meetings and happenings show the following:

  • the Community Access Program Workshop (Valhalla Inn);
  • the Matawa FN Management Broadband Business Planning Session (Matawa office complex);
  • the KO information booth at the NAN Chiefs' meeting (Airlane Hotel);
  • meeting with Industry Canada CAP Director and Ontario Region Director (Airlane Hotel);
  • KO Chiefs' meeting (Valhalla Inn);
  • NAN Youth Council video conference session with KO First Nation youth (Airlane Hotel);
  • Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come presentation to NAN youth (Airlane Hotel);
  • Tour of Fort William First Nation KiHS classroom;
  • Video conference meeting with Industry Canada Director General of IHAB, Office of Learning Technology, NAN and KO FN e-centres.

Several other meetings took place throughout the week. KO staff met with Bell Canada reps, Ministry of Education rep, Superior Wireless, Expertech, FedNor, different First Nation community leaders and Lakehead University.

The NAN Chiefs in Assembly passed Resolution 03/49: SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NAN BROADBAND REGIONAL NETWORK FOR FIRST NATIONS which among other things directs government programs and services along with other agencies to utilize local community networks.

Others from across Canada were invited to join the live chat session about the meetings and the on-line discussion forum available for their thoughts and comments. We demonstrated and highlighted how broadband connectivity and broadband applications are positively affecting the Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations.

Everyone's support and involvement was welcomed. Be sure to check out the other events that are now archived at the same web site. Leave your comments and ideas about these events and the information available so we can continue to develop this on-line virtual conference resource. Watch for the upcoming on-line events that we will be webcasting. Share this on-line resource with others who might appreciate learning about these opportunities and information.

Thanks for your continued support and interest in our work ...