Mushkegowuk Chiefs Offer Support to Grassy Narrows First Nation


February 19, 2003

Mushkegowuk Chiefs Offer Support to Grassy Narrows First Nation

(MOOSE FACTORY, ON) In response to a call for action, the Mushkegowuk Chiefs are eager to show support to Grassy Narrows First Nation on issues related to forestry. The Chiefs vow to continue supporting the blockades by the First Nations in Aroland, Ginoogaming and Hornepayne along with members of Constance Lake.

Grand Chief Ernest Beck said, "We must show the Ontario government that we are serious about Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and the government’s unwillingness to discuss these issues is intolerable."

This is another example of the Ontario government’s lack of consideration and support for First Nations initiatives. A private member’s bill, supported by the Mushkegowuk Council, was presented to parliament in December on revenue sharing and was defeated by the Conservative government. The Mushkegowuk Chiefs urge all First Nations to support the Grassy Narrows First Nation. Deputy Grand Chief Mike Carpenter said, "It is obvious that the Ontario government is not willing to work with us. We have no choice but to band together as First Nation people and support one another’s causes."

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For further inquiries, please call Grand Chief Ernest Beck at 705-658-4222.