NAN's Community Champions for Broadband Workshop

Community Champions for Broadband Workshop

February 19-20, 2003
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Travelodge Airlane – Salon C


The goal of the Community Champions for Broadband Workshop is to bring together ‘community champions’ from across the NAN region to collaborate and work together to:

Work out issues and identify best practices in developing an effective Broadband Pilot Program Application
  • Work out issues and identify best practices in developing an effective Broadband Pilot Program Business Plan
  • Presenters/Facilitators:

    David Paul Achneepineskum, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
    Gordon Kakegamic, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (Telecommunications)
    Terry Wilson, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (Lands and Resources)
    Brenda Iserhoff and Joe Wheesk, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (Harvesting)
    Melanie Goodchild, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (Youth)
    Lawrence Baxter, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (Social Services)
    Michael Fox, Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
    Edward Hoshizaki, Edward Hoshizaki Development Consulting
    Mel Stewart, Stewart Communications
    Eleonore Rupprecht, Industry Canada, Broadband Pilot Program Office (Ontario Region)
    Carl Seibel, FedNor
    Helen Aitkens, Telecommons Development Group
    Donna Williams, Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Telehealth)
    Jim Teskey, Keewaytinook Okimakanak (Education)
    Brian Beaton, Keewaytinook Okimakanak (K-Net Services)
    Dan Pellerin, Keewaytinook Okimakanak (K-Net Services)
    Keewaywin Smart Community Team, Keewaywin First Nation


    Ernie Buswa, Windigo First Nations Council
    Audrey Allaire, Wabun Tribal Council
    John Cole, Matawa First Nations Management
    Paul Capon, Matawa First Nations Management
    Gilbert Etherington, Mushkegowuk Council
    Steve Beardy, Muskrat Dam First Nation
    Debra Tait, Sachigo Lake First Nation
    Laureen Kaminiwaish, Sachigo Lake First Nation
    Archie Wabasse, Wunnumin Lake First Nation
    Jeff Loon, Mishkeegogamang First Nation
    Tom Wassaykeesic, Mishkeegogamang First Nation
    Kennedy Fiddler, Sandy Lake First Nation
    Curtis Drake, Sandy Lake First Nation
    Sam Hunter, Weenusk First Nation
    Allan Jolly, Mocreebec Council of the Cree Nation

    Day One - Wednesday, February 19, 2003

    08:00 - 08:30 Meet & Greet - Morning Coffee and Refreshments
    08:30 - 08:45 Welcome - Introductions and Review of Agenda, Gordon Kakegamic
    08:45 - 09:00 Opening Remarks - David Paul Achneepineskum, Executive Director, Nishnawbe Aski Nation

    Session 1 - Broadband for Rural and Northern Development
    09:00 - 09:20 Presentation (Teleconference) - Eleonore Rupprecht, Industry Canada - Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program (BRAND)
    09:20 - 10:30 Discussion on Issues Related to the BRAND Application and Business Plan
    Eleonore Rupprecht, Industry Canada and Carl Seibel, FedNor

    Session 2 - Infrastructure and Network Models
    10:45 - 11:15 Presentation
    Edward Hoshizaki, Edward Hoshizaki Development Consulting
    Dan Pellerin, K-Net Services
    11:15 - 12:00 Discussion on Issues

    Session 3 - Applications
    01:00 - 01:30 Health - Donna Williams, Keewaytinook Okimakanak
    01:30 - 02:00 Education - Jim Teskey, Keewaytinook Okimakanak
    02:00 - 02:30 Business (Commerce) - Michael Fox, Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
    02:30 - 03:00 Appliances (Videoconferencing, IP Telephony) - Dan Pellerin, K-Net Services
    03:15 - 03:45 Lands and Resources - Terry Wilson, Joe Wheesk and Brenda Iserhoff, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
    03:45 - 04:15 Social Services - Lawrence Baxter, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
    04:15 - 04:45 Youth - Melanie Goodchild, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
    04:45 - 05:00 End of Day One - Gordon Kakegamic

    Day Two - Thursday, February 20, 2003

    08:30 - 09:00 Review - Gordon Kakegamic
    Session 3 - Applications (Cont.)
    09:00 - 10:30 Portal (Connect Ontario) - Gordon Kakegamic, Nishnawbe Aski Nation

    Session 4 - Community Engagement
    10:45 - 11:15 Presentation (Videoconference) - Helen Aitkens, Telecommons Development Group
    11:15 - 12:30 Discussion (Videoconference) - Brian Beaton, K-Net Services and the Keewaywin Smart Community Team
    Discussion on Issues and Best Practices

    Session 5 - The Business Plan
    01:30 - 03:00 Planning for Content - Edward Hoshizaki, Edward Hoshizaki Development Consulting

    Session 6 - Moving Forward
    03:15 - 04:15 NAN Directions for Broadband - Mel Stewart, Stewart Communications
    04:15 - 04:45 NAN Telecommunications Conference - Gordon Kakegamic, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
    04:45 - 05:00 End of Workshop - Gordon Kakegamic