Planning for the use of ICTs in Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations

This year, the Community ICT Planning Workshops are being planned and hosted by the local Smart teams in each of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations. Simultaneous sessions are being held in Fort Severn and North Spirit Lake beginning the week of February 10.

On the first evening of the week long workshop some participants from each of the two communities met to discuss the plans for the upcoming sessions. In Fort Severn, Madeleine Stoney (e-Centre Manager), Barney Turtle (Multi-Media Producer), Angus Miles (Network Technician) and Anne Koostachin (CAP Worker) have worked with the different community programs and boards to plan a full session for everyone involved in Health, Education and Economic Development activities in their community. In North Spirit Lake, Darlene Rae (e-Centre Manager), Arnold Thompson (Multi-Media Producer), Paul Campbell (Network Technician) and James Rae (CAP Worker) are coordinating the workshops for their community.

Tuesday, Feb 11, will bring the local health teams together to discuss how they wish to see ICTs used in their workplace and in the development and provision of services for community members. The folks involved providing education services and programs in the communities will come together on Wednesday. The workshops wrap up on Thursday with interested community members, businesses and leaders discussing various economic development efforts and how ICTs can be used to complement and support their efforts.