Grassy Narrows First Nation women see sasquatch on way to blueberry patch

From the Edmonton Sun

Ontario women picking blueberries say they saw sasquatch


GRASSY NARROWS, ON. — Maybe he just wanted to help, but two women on their way to pick blueberries in northern Ontario say all he did was scare the living daylights out of them.

Helen Pahpasay and her mother were driving to a spot about 25 kilometres north of Grassy Narrows last week when they spotted a tall, black creature roughly 15 metres ahead.

Pahpasay, from the Ontario First Nation, said she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her until her mother confirmed she was seeing the same thing in front of them.

“It looked about eight feet tall and it was upright,” said Pahpasay. “We were scared ... I had no idea what it was. It wasn’t a bear or a moose. It was upright and walking.”

Pahpasay said the creature they sighted darted into the bush and the frightened women decided to return to Grassy Narrows.

Once there, they met other family members, including Pahpasay’s brother, Randy Fobister, who urged her to return to the site to see if they could find anything.

After a bit of persuading, she drove back with friends and family members and found a large footprint with six toes near a beaver pond.

Fobister made a plaster cast of the footprint to ship off to be examined.

“It looked like it had taken one big step,” said Pahpasay.

Years ago, people in the community used to report seeing a mysterious Sasquatch-type creature north of Grassy Narrows.

“I’ve been hearing about it since I was a kid, so when I got the chance close by here I jumped right on it,” Fobister said.

Pahpasay said she has never encountered anything like what she saw July 22.

“I’ve never believed in anything like that before.”