Video conference planning meetings while the snow falls

On Monday morning, January 27, Carl Seibel, Dan Pellerin and Brian Beaton were all scheduled to fly over Balmertown for day long meetings with other Keewaytinook Okimakanak managers. On the way to the airport, visibility was very poor due to the snow storm. At the airport, the airline let us know that there were possibilities of delays and not being able to land at the Red Lake airport. We phoned over to the KO office and were informed that the visibility was reduced to zero. Everyone agreed that we would return to our office and do the meetings by video conference.

The day long meeting included bringing together the Smart Communities program administrators in Ottawa and the program auditors by teleconference along with the two video conferenced sites (Balmertown and Sioux Lookout). The meeting proved to be very useful with the required plans put in place to ensure the success of the Kuh-ke-nah Smart First Nations Demonstration project.