Industry Canada's BRAND Announces Successful Applicants

Three Nishnawbe Aski Nation Tribal Councils are included in the first round of funding under Industry Canada's Broadband for Rural and Northern Development (BRAND) program. The complete list of successful applicants can be found at There are at least 156 First Nations across Canada included in these different successful applicants.

Windigo First Nations Council in Sioux Lookout, Wabun Tribal Council in Timmins and Matawa First Nations Management in Thunder Bay will be working on developing business cases to develop local broadband connectivity solutions and applications for their member First Nations. Other NAN First Nations will continue to be supported in developing their business cases in partnership with NAN's Broadband ICT work.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Services will be partnering with many of these groups to support the development of successful business cases. As more First Nations access these resources the opportunity to develop and support more broadband applications become a reality for all the First Nations across the country.

Treaty #3 First Nation Councils were also successful in obtaining broadband business case development funding as well.