NAN Health Careers Role Model initiative requesting nominations for First Nation role models

Do you know someone who has made a difference in the well-being of their community?  Someone who has provided excellent health care to the people of NAN?  Someone who is on their way to a career in health?  We want to know who they are! Nishnawbe Aski Nation is searching for role models from the NAN territory to be used in a campaign to promote health careers and health career studies.  You are invited to nominate NAN Elders, adults and youth who: 

  • Have demonstrated commitment & excellence in community health care; or
  • Are enrolled in health science studies (e.g. nursing, medicine, healthcare interpreter, home care assistant, mental health worker, radiology technician, etc.); or
  • Have demonstrated their interest in pursuing a health career/health science studies and are actively working towards that goal. 

If you know someone who fits this description we want to know about them!  Recognizing a person for their achievements is a great way to build self-esteem, and more importantly, to establish role models so others can see that goals are tangible.   The top 5 nominees will be highlighted as role models for the NAN Health Careers Role Model Campaign and featured in posters and other promotional initiatives. The deadline to submit nominations is Monday, September 15, 2008. 

To obtain a nomination form, contact Loretta Sheshequin, AHHRI Policy Analyst toll free at 1-800-465-9952, directly at (807) 625-4955 or by email at