Medivacs for First Nation patients with Sioux Lookout airport closing from 11pm to 7am each night

The following message is being circulated by Menoyawin Health Centre in Sioux Lookout to let the people in the north know how emergency air transportation is being managed during the construction period that is happening at the Sioux Lookout Airport ....

From: Linkewich, Barb
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 8:53 AM
Subject: FW: Closure of the SLKT Airport nightly from 2100 - 0700

Sioux Lookout Airport is doing construction work on its runways.  Please find attached a communiqué received from Ornge regarding their response to the closure of SLKT Airport to all fixed wing aircraft from 2100 to 0700 every night for the next 2 -3 weeks. Ornge is moving the helicopter from Kenora to SLKT and the fixed wing to Kenora every night – during the day flights will be as usual.

The Impact

With the helicopter in SLKT – MYW will be able to transport patients to Thunder Bay and Winnipeg. However the helicopter can’t fly up north so patients from the north will have to fly into Kenora, Dryden, Thunder Bay or Winnipeg airport. The goal is to fly the patients to Dryden and transport by helicopter or land ambulance to SLKT where patients may to be cared for by their family doc etc. We know this is where the patients need to be however there are a number of reasons this may not happen:

  • It will be difficult for the patients – the trip to the airport in their community, numerous transfers, long land ambulance ride etc.
  • The KDSB Deployment Plan - Yesterday we had a treat and return patient who went to Winnipeg who was flown to Dryden in the middle of the night - KDSB EMS brought them to Dryden hospital citing it as the nearest hospital. And they are staying with their Deployment plan of not transporting Code 1 and 2 patients  between 1700 and 0800.

Given these factors we can anticipate that there will be patients sent to other hospitals during the night. It is important the patient and families are aware of this if they are flown out from the northern communities between 2100 and 0700. Typically 3 -4 patients a night from the north are flown into SLKT for care.

Stay tuned for updates –It is expected that Ornge will receive and provide regular updates on the closure. We’ll continue to do the best we can and keep our patients as comfortable as possible.

Barb Linkewich
VP Health Services
Meno Ya Win Health Center
Box 909 Sioux Lookout, ON
P8T 1B4
807 7372877 EXT 2029