First Nations receiving funding for Species at Risk studies and protection of habitats

 Ontario government press release ...

PROTECTING SPECIES AT RISK AND THEIR HABITATS - McGuinty Government Funds Local Stewardship Projects

Proposals to increase understanding of Ontario’s woodland caribou and their habitat needs are among seven volunteer stewardship projects in northeastern Ontario to receive funding this year under the province’s Species at Risk Stewardship Fund.

Funding totalling more than $312,000 will support projects to implement recovery strategies for species at risk, track caribou using radio collars, undertake public outreach and education activities, and protect and restore essential habitat.

The $18-million, four-year Species at Risk Stewardship Fund  is part of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ stewardship-first approach to species protection, and is available to landowners, farmers, Aboriginal peoples, academic institutions, industries, municipalities, conservation organizations, stewardship councils and others across the province for eligible protection and recovery activities.


“I’m impressed with the leadership and commitment shown by environmental organizations, the forest industry, First Nations and others in northeastern Ontario who are helping to protect and recover our most vulnerable species and their habitats,” said Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield.  “Working together we can reverse the rate of species decline in our province and ensure future generations enjoy and benefit from a healthy and diverse natural environment.”

“We’re encouraging the kind of volunteer stewardship activities that are vital to protecting essential habitat and green space,” said Nipissing MPP Monique Smith.  “I’m proud of the great work being done by volunteers across northeastern Ontario to protect and recover species at risk and to keep others from becoming endangered in the first place."


* In 2008-2009, 108 projects will receive close to $5 million in funding through the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, focussing on outreach, recovery, and inventory and monitoring surveys.

* Ontario is home to more than 30,000 species, of which more than 180 are currently identified as being at risk.

* The range of the forest-dwelling woodland caribou, which was formerly found throughout most of Northern Ontario, has receded northward and today generally lies north of latitude 50 degrees, which runs east and west across Ontario, north of Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, Hearst and Cochrane.

Find out more about Species At Risk in Ontario

For More Information - Media Enquiries

David Bauer, Minister’s Office, 416-314-2212
Jolanta Kowalski, Communications Services Branch, 416-314-2106
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TTY 1-866-686-6072 (Hearing Impaired)

Seven volunteer projects in northeastern Ontario will receive more than $312,000 from the provincial Species at Risk Stewardship Fund this year to help protect and recover species at risk.

Attawapiskat First Nation – $29,320 for a project to combine traditional Aboriginal knowledge with the latest scientific data about woodland caribou in the James Bay lowlands with the goal of developing conservation measures and gaining a greater understanding of the species and its needs.
Contact: Suzanne Barnes, 705-997-1231

Dokis First Nation – $35,500 to support implementation of recovery strategies for species at risk on Dokis First Nations lands, map sites where species occur and develop community partnerships.
Contact: Marie Dokis, 705-763-2200

Lake Abitibi Model Forest – $72,930 to support the tracking of woodland caribou using satellite collars to determine habitat use, especially as it pertains to protected areas and deferral areas established through forest management planning.
Contact: Wally Bidwell, 705-272-7811

Northeast Community Network – $71,575 for a project to increase understanding of habitat use and movement of the Nagagami caribou by radio collaring individual animals that are part of a remnant population separated from the area of continuous caribou distribution in Ontario. The information gathered will help determine habitats the animals frequent, their range, whether they are isolated and if there are any natural or man-made barriers to their movement.
Contact: Adrien Veilleux, 705-362-7355

Canadian Institute of Forestry – $54,500 to support a species at risk outreach and education partnership for central and northeastern Ontario that focuses on reaching a large and diverse audience including elementary schools, forest and mining professionals and workers. The project will raise awareness and understanding of species at risk and what individuals and groups can do to mitigate and reverse species and habitat loss.
Contact: John Pineau, 705-744-1715, Ext. 585

Friends of Mashkinonje – $6,450 to help increase public awareness and appreciation for species at risk found in the extensive wetland areas along the west end of Lake Nipissing by constructing information signs and leading guided hikes.
Contact: Angela Martin, 705-594-2745

Science North – $42,250 to support an outreach and education program that will increase public understanding about why species are disappearing and what individuals can do to help protect and restore these species.
Contact: Bruce Doran, 705-522-3701, Ext. 379

For More Information - Media Enquiries

Jason Travers, Fish and Wildlife Branch, 705-755-1754

General Enquiries
Natural Resources Information Centre
TTY 1-866-686-6072 (Hearing Impaired)