Come Camping with Us! - Equay-wuk inviting Aboriginal Women to leadership training camps

Equay-wuk (Women's Group)


Aboriginal Women Role Models/ Leaders


Young Aboriginal Women (ages 18-29)

to participate in Phase II

"Building Aboriginal Women's Leadership Training Camps 2008"


July 29-31, 2008 in Mishkeegogamang

August 19-20, 2008 in the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen

Sept 12-14, 2008 in Lac Seul First Nation

Note: Project participants will only have to attend one camp. Travel expenses, accommodations and meals provided for participants - aboriginal youth and women. Fax in your registration form right away - print from our website:

Aboriginal Women Leaders/ Role Models:

Are/ were you in leadership within a First Nation organization?

Are/ were you a member of a band council?

As a woman leader, would you be willing to share your knowledge and experiences with young aboriginal women?

Do you have a vested interest in role modeling/ mentoring your Nishnawbe women?

We are looking for women leaders/ role models who are willing to participate in this project and who are willing to tell the story of how they became leaders in their community.

Question asked at the Leadership Forum (May 28, 2008): Do we have to hang around with our youth for the entire 3 days? Answer: No, the Leadership Training will be divided into separate components where workshops will take place with everyone participating, some small group exercises, and the mentoring exercises. Mentors and mentees will be given small assignments to complete over the 3 days.

Young Aboriginal Women:

Are you between ages 18-29?

Are you interested in learning more about women in leadership?

Would you like to take leadership training?

If you are motivated to learn about leadership and would like to participate in our project, we would like to hear from you.

The Project Goal:

The main goal of the project is to increase aboriginal women's participation in leadership roles. The project will provide culturally appropriate leadership training to young aboriginal women. The forum and workshops will be facilitated by Equay-wuk (Women's Group).  Nishnawbe women leaders and role models will assist by participation in the forum and participation as mentors during the Leadership Camps.

Project Activities include:

Phase I: Aboriginal Women's Leadership Forum Sioux Lookout, ON (May 27 & 28, 2008)

Phase II: Leadership Camps (choose one)

July 29-31, 2008 in Mishkeegogamang First Nation

Aug 19-21, 2008 in Ojibway Nation of Saugeen

Sept 12-14, 2008 in Lac Seul First Nation

Phase III: Equay-wuk Gathering 2008, Sioux Lookout, ON, Nov 18-20, 2008

(Participating Aboriginal youth and women leaders who took part in the Leadership Training project will be brought together for the Equay-wuk Gathering 2008 in November to share their experiences with other women.  The 3 day gathering will be taped for later broadcast.)

For more information, Contact:

Darlene or Felicia

Tel: (807) 737-2214 or toll free at 1-800-261-8294

Fax: (807) 737-2699
