KO team meets with federal and provincial e-health leaders in Balmertwon

E-Health Partnership Meeting  

July 7-9th 2008

Location:  Keewaytinook Okimakanak office, Balmertown

Meeting Purpose:

  1. To provide federal and provincial partners with a direct experience of KOTM’s integrated service model
  2. To demonstrate First Nations network service capacities and investment opportunities
  3. To inform federal/provincial eHealth policy and strategy development

Guests attending Monday's meeting in Balmertown:

  • Dr. Shannon McDonald, e-Health Program Director, FNIHB;
  • Addie Pryce, Public Health Program Manager, FNIHB, Ontario Region;
  • Laura Kokocinski, Senior Director Planning, Integration and Community Engagement, NW LHIN
  • Bruce Sutton, NW LHIN e-Health Lead 

Presentations and Discussions:

  • Tour of KOTM facilities
  • Connect with KNet Sioux Lookout Office
  • KNet Services – Brian/Penny
  • KOTM Services – Donna
  • SLFNA eHealth Framework – Nancy Greaves/Sabrina Hasham
  • Update on National E-Health Strategy for First Nations - Dr. Shannon McDonald
  • First Nations and their role within LHINs – Laura Kokocinski
  • LHIN eHealth Planning and Strategy – Bruce Sutton

On Tuesday Dr. McDonald, Ms Pryce along with members of the KO Telemedicine team are scheduled to fly to Sachigo Lake to tour their telemedicine facilities. Then on Wednesday, they will travel to Sioux Lookout to meet with the K-Net team and the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority.