IP Video Conference Meetings at Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Les Meekis, KO's Community Manager for the Smart Communities Demonstration project, is organizing regular meetings with the KO First Nation Smart team members to discuss a variety of topics. o­n December 5, Les worked with the Keewaywin FN team to bring together seven sites in a video conference meeting to discuss the data entry for this year's community surveys as well as the plans for this year's community ICT planning workshops in each KO First Nation. Darlene Rae took and distributed the minutes of the meeting from her office in North Spirit Lake.

Other topics discussed at this meeting included developing individual business cases for each of the Smart team members to ensure their positions are sustained after the Smart project is completed. Plans for the Christmas Chiefs' meeting were also discussed.

GREAT team effort!! Check out the pictures of the meeting (we were connected at 256K from each site using the K-Net IP bridge o­n the K-Net Network).