Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2007 highlights digital divide for remote and rural communities

Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2007 (see news release below)

Note to readers

The 2007 Canadian Internet Use Survey was conducted in October and November 2007 as a supplement to the Labour Force Survey. More than 26,500 Canadians aged 16 years and over were asked about their Internet use, including shopping, for the past 12 months. Estimates of Internet shopping (e-commerce) will be released in November 2008.

Caution is required comparing these results with those from 2005, when the survey was restricted to persons aged 18 years and older. In 2007, respondents aged 16 and 17 accounted for almost an entire percentage point of the overall increase in Internet use since 2005. They also affect estimates of online behaviours.


An Internet user is someone who used the Internet from any location for personal non-business reasons in the 12 months preceding the survey. A home user is someone who reported using the Internet from home, for the same reasons.

Urban boundaries are based on Statistics Canada's census metropolitan areas (CMA) and census agglomerations (CA). The rural and small town category consists of Canadians living outside CMAs and CAs.

Available on CANSIM: tables 358-0122 to 358-0126, 358-0128 to 358-0132 and 358-0134.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 4432.

For further information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, please contact Larry McKeown (613-951-2582;, Science, Innovation and Electronic Information Division.

Globe and Mail June 12, 2008 at 10:08 AM EDT

Almost 75 per cent of Canadians aged 16 or older surfed the Net last year, but factors such as age, income, education and place of residence contribute to a “digital divide” in the country, a new Statistics Canada report says.

Seventy-three per cent, or 19.2 million Canadians aged 16 and older, went online for personal reasons in 2007, the Canadian Internet Use Survey says. That's a 5 percentage point increase from 2005, when the last survey was conducted.

Ninety-four per cent of users said they surfed the Net from home; 41 per cent said they used it at work; 20 per cent surfed from school; and 15 per cent surfed in libraries.

The breakdown of Internet users reveals a gap in the rate of use, the report says. For instance, only 65 per cent of those living in small towns or rural areas surfed the Net, while 76 per cent of urban residents did.

And 84 per cent of Canadians with at least some post-secondary education surfed the Net, compared with 58 per cent of those who had less education, the report said.

In terms of income, 91 per cent of households that generate more than $95,000 a year surfed the Net, almost double the 47 per cent of users in households that generate less than $24,000.

Overall, more Canadians are turning to high-speed connections: 88 per cent of home users are now using them, compared to 80 per cent two years ago.

More than 9 in 10 urban home users surfed the Net with a high-speed connection in 2007 compared to 7 in 10 homes in rural areas. And more than half of rural users using a slower service said that high-speed telephone or cable service was unavailable in their area.

For the first time, the survey took into account Canadians aged 16 and 17. The new demographic accounted for almost one per cent of the five-per cent increase of overall Internet use in Canada.

It's no surprise, then, that younger Canadians continue to rule in the online world: 96 per cent of people aged 16 to 24 went online, a number three times the 29 per cent of seniors aged 65 and older.

“Relatively more young Canadians” also reported posting images, writing blogs, participating in discussion groups and using instant messaging than their older counterparts, the survey said.

However, one-fifth of all home Internet users said they blogged and posted images and 50 per cent of home users chatted using an instant messenger.

“E-mail and general browsing continued to be the most popular online activities from home,” the report said.

“The Web remained popular for finding government or health information and making travel arrangements. And many Canadians also used it for banking, paying bills and ordering goods or services.”

Rates increased in every province from 2005 to 2007, and in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, the rate were higher than the national average.

Canadian Internet Use Survey, 2007

Canadians are making greater and more diverse use of the Internet, but a digital divide persists among various groups, according to new data for 2007 from the Canadian Internet Use Survey.

Almost three-quarters (73%), or 19.2 million Canadians aged 16 and older, went online for personal reasons during the 12 months prior to the survey. This was up from just over two-thirds (68%) in 2005 when the survey was last conducted.

For the first time, the survey covered young people aged 16 and 17. They accounted for almost one of the five percentage point increase in Internet use between 2005 and 2007.

Survey results showed that the digital divide, or gap in the rate of Internet use, still existed among certain groups of Canadians on the basis of income, education and age.

The survey also showed that people living in urban areas continued to be more likely to have used the Internet than those from smaller towns and rural areas. Only 65% of residents living in small towns or rural areas accessed the Internet, well below the national average, while just over three-quarters (76%) of urban residents did so. Both proportions were higher than in 2005.

Among people who used the Internet at home, 68% went online every day during a typical month and 50% for five hours or more during a typical week. On average, men were online more often and for longer periods than women.

Digital divides in Internet use persist

Findings reveal gaps in the rate of Internet use among certain groups of Canadians, specifically on the basis of income, education and age.

Households were divided into five equal groups, or quintiles, based on income.

The vast majority (91%) of people in the top quintile (more than $95,000) used the Internet. This was almost twice the proportion of 47% for the lowest quintile (less than $24,000). This gap in use has narrowed slightly since 2005.

In terms of education, 84% of individuals with at least some post-secondary education used the Internet in 2007, compared with 58% of those who had less education. Again, this gap has narrowed slightly since 2005.

Age remained an important factor. In 2007, 96% of persons aged 16 to 24 went online, more than three times the 29% among seniors aged 65 and older. However, Internet use increased among all age groups since 2005.

The proportion of men and women using the Internet during 2007 was just below three-quarters for both.

Among people born in Canada, 75% used the Internet, compared with 66% of those born elsewhere. However, the rate was 78% among immigrants who arrived in Canada during the last 10 years. Most of these recent immigrants live in urban areas.

High-speed connections more popular

The vast majority of Internet users aged 16 or older, 94%, reported personal Internet use from home during 2007, while 41% said they used it from work, 20% from schools and 15% from libraries.

High-speed connections are becoming far more prevalent. An estimated 88% of people who accessed the Internet at home did so with a high-speed connection in 2007, up from 80% two years earlier. This growth was driven by new users and by existing users switching from a slower service.

Over 9 in 10 urban home users reported using a high-speed connection, compared with just over 7 in 10 home users in rural areas. More than one-half of rural and small town residents using a slower service reported that a high-speed telephone or cable service was not available in their area.

Growing online activities: blogging, chatting, downloading

E-mail and general browsing continued to be the most popular online activities from home. The web remained popular for finding government or health information and making travel arrangements. And many Canadians also used it for banking, paying bills and ordering goods or services.

However, survey data show that more Canadians are participating in additional activities.

For example, one-fifth (20%) of home Internet users reported contributing content by posting images, writing blogs, or participating in discussion groups. Of these people, over one-half were under the age of 30.

Some 50% of home Internet users used an instant messenger during 2007. Again, relatively more young Canadians reported going online for this reason.

The increased use of broadband has also meant a rise in downloading or watching movies or television, and downloading music.

Concerns about online privacy and security

In 2007, the survey estimated that approximately 50% of Canadians (Internet users or not) were very concerned about online credit card use, 44% about online banking transactions and 37% about online privacy.

While all three estimates are below 2005 levels, they do not necessarily indicate that online privacy and security threats have declined. Other factors may be at work.

For instance, the 2007 survey included individuals aged 16 and 17 who, on average, expressed lower levels of concern. Canadians have also become more experienced online, with 54% reporting five or more years of Internet use in 2007, up from 45% in 2005.

Survey data show that the proportion very concerned about security was lower for people who had used the Internet longer and for more activities.

The provinces: Rates highest in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario

Rates of Internet use among Canadians increased in every province between 2005 and 2007. Rates were above the national average of 73% in three provinces: British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

Rates in the two western provinces were boosted by high usage in major census metropolitan areas. In Calgary, 85% of people aged 16 and older used the Internet, as did 83% in Victoria, and 78% in both Vancouver and Edmonton.

Urban-rural differences in Internet use persisted during 2007. In Quebec for example, rates ranged from 58% in small towns and rural areas to 78% in Quebec City.

In general, cities have younger populations and proportionately more residents with higher levels of income and education. These concentrations of population are attractive markets for Internet service providers.

Online activities of home Internet users — Caution is required comparing these results with those from 2005, when the survey was restricted to persons aged 18 years and older. In 2007, respondents aged 16 and 17 accounted for almost an entire percentage point of the overall increase in Internet use since 2005. They also affect estimates of online behaviours.
  2005 2007
E-mail 91 92
General browsing for fun or leisure .. 76
General browsing 84 ..
Research other matters (family history, parenting) .. 70
Obtain weather or road conditions 67 70
Travel information or making travel arrangements 63 66
View news or sports 62 64
Electronic banking or bill payment 61 63
Window shopping 57 60
Search for medical or health related information 58 59
Search for information about governments 52 51
Education, training or school work 43 50
Use an instant messenger 38 50
Ordering personal goods or services 43 45
Obtain or save music (free or paid downloads) 37 45
Research community events 42 44
Play games 39 39
Obtain or save software (free or paid downloads) 32 33
Job search .. 32
Listen to the radio over the Internet 26 28
Communicate with governments 23 26
Research investments 26 25
Download or watch TV or a movie over the Internet 12 20
Contribute content (blogs, photos, discussion groups) .. 20
Make telephone calls .. 9
Sell goods or services (auction sites) .. 9
.. not available for a specific reference period

Percent of Canadians using the Internet — Caution is required comparing these results with those from 2005, when the survey was restricted to persons aged 18 years and older. In 2007, respondents aged 16 and 17 accounted for almost an entire percentage point of the overall increase in Internet use since 2005. They also affect estimates of online behaviours.
  2005 2007
Newfoundland and Labrador 55 61
Prince Edward Island 61 69
Nova Scotia 67 69
New Brunswick 57 65
Quebec 62 69
Ontario 72 75
Manitoba 66 70
Saskatchewan 66 73
Alberta 71 77
British Columbia 69 78