First Nation youth remind government that there is still lots to do to improve education outcomes

Press release 

Students call for action on National Aboriginal Day - Ending Poverty and Increasing Access to Higher Education Must be National Priorities

OTTAWA, June 21 - Canada's college and university students are marking National Aboriginal Day by renewing the call for improved living conditions for Aboriginal peoples and greater federal funding for Aboriginal students to attend post-secondary institutions.

"This day is a reminder that the federal government has many unfulfilled commitments to Aboriginal communities across Canada," said Mike White, Chairperson of the National Aboriginal Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students. "The public apology for residential school survivors was a great start but it is time to match words with action."

Since 2000, thousands of eligible Aboriginal students have been shut out of post-secondary education due to a lack of federal funding. Despite being the fastest growing demographic in Canada, annual funding increases have been capped at 2% for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's (INAC) Post-Secondary Student Support Program. Non-status First Nations and Métis students are not eligible for any funding through INAC.

"A post-secondary education provides important opportunities that are currently unavailable to many Aboriginal people in Canada who are living in poverty," said Katherine Giroux-Bougard, National Chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students. "While, the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that post-secondary education is accessible for all Canadians, our country's colonial history makes our obligations to Aboriginal peoples even more immediate."

"We are calling on the Harper government to realise that lifting the out-dated funding limitations for Aboriginal students is an issue of social justice and a smart economic strategy," said White.

The Canadian Federation of Students is Canada's largest student organisation, representing over one half million college and university students at more than 80 campus students' unions across Canada.

For further information: or to arrange an interview: Katherine Giroux-Bougard, National Chairperson, (613) 232-7394 x.23, (613) 261-7528; Mike White, National Aboriginal Caucus Chairperson, (604) 316-4515