Press release ...
Grassy Narrows, Anishinaabe Territory - On April 30, 2008, Crissy Swain along with fellow members of Grassy Narrows First Nation will begin the 1,850 km trek on foot from Kenora to Toronto in an attempt to bring attention to the continued destruction of Mother Earth, and in particular to draw attention to what is happening within the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek in Northern Ontario.
Protecting Our Mother walk is Crissy Swain's inspiration, who says the walk has originated from long standing frustration “for the way our people have been criminalized and imprisoned for protecting the Earth, our future generations and our rights as Anishinaabek and First Peoples of this land”. She wants to raise awareness of the “ongoing theft and plunder of our lands, as well as repression of our people”.
Grassy Narrows First Nation, located 80 kilometers north of Kenora, ON has been the site of some of the worst clear-cutting in the country. A peaceful blockade against the logging companies Weyerhaeuser and Abitibi was set up five years ago in an attempt to stop the companies from clearcutting within their traditional territory.
There are a few sacred dreams that have inspired this walk. The dream which stands out for Crissy is the one where she is walking through the hills of Lake Superior carrying a staff and in front of her the Sun is rising. She passes the staff to her husband and he begins to walk with it.
Another thing that has inspired Crissy was a statement by Cecilia Begg from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation, who had recently been imprisoned for standing up for her people and her land. Cecilia had pointed out that “it is not our decision to approve development in our territories and that it will be up to the future generations to make that decision”.
And as Crissy puts it, she is also doing this for the future generations, “so far in my own community, the youth that I have spoken with continue to say that they want to make sure that there is a home here for them and their children and grandchildren. One day I went and picked up garbage in the community with some kids, and as people drove by they asked the kids what they were doing, and the kids replied 'Protecting Our Mother!' I felt that if writing letters and having rallies and blockades was not enough, then what is?” She is hoping that the sunrise in her dream means that there is another way, “without being pushed down for what we know is right in our hearts and spirits”.
Protecting Our Mother Walk will commence from the Bypass 17 and Hwy 671 in Kenora, ON on April 30 and will end at Queens Park in Toronto, ON in May (around May 24). Crissy is asking people from KI and Ardoch Algonquin communities as well as other Anishinaabe and non-Anishinaabe communities, who want to do something to protect the Earth for the future generations and the freedom to be Anishinaabe, to come and walk with her and help carry the staff for our children.
Your support in donating food, water, footwear, socks, gas money, tobacco, accomodation and the like would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Crissy for more details.
Contact: Campaign Coordinator, Crissy 1-800-667-2129 (during the day),
807-925-2674 (evenings),
During the Walk: 519-761-7820