Harry LaForme to head residential school Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Assembly of First Nations press release ... 

AFN National Chief Congratulates Justice Harry Laforme Appointed as TRC Chair

     OTTAWA, April 28 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Phil Fontaine today offered congratulations to Justice Harry Laforme as the newly appointed Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

     "I can think of no one better than Justice Harry LaForme to Chair the Truth Commission. Not only is he a proud First Nations citizen, he is an outstanding jurist and a compassionate and understanding person," said National Chief Phil Fontaine. "I have no doubt he will leave no stone unturned in his investigation of exactly what happened in residential schools, the harm caused, why and how it happened and who was responsible. At the same time, he will bring the grace and compassion required in the Truth Commission's work so necessary for healing to begin."

     Truth and Reconciliation is a novel legal concept, and the Truth Commission will be the first commission of its kind conducted in any first world country. It will help to educate Canadians about their history and bring greater understanding between First Nations and Canada. The TRC will shed light on one of the darkest chapters in Canada's history, a history that all Canadians should be aware of but which has been largely hidden or misunderstood until now.

     The Assembly of First Nations will be announcing, with the Minister, the appointment of two more commissioners in the near future so that the Commission can start its important work as soon as possible.

     "The Truth and Reconciliation Commission could be a turning point in First Nations' relationship with Canada. It will be able to set the historical record straight and give our people an opportunity to speak to Canadians in a way they have never been able to do before. There will be no more secrets," said the National Chief.

     The TRC is part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, which was negotiated and signed by the AFN in 2006 on behalf of residential school survivors. It is the largest settlement in Canadian history, which also includes payment for survivors to compensate for loss of language and culture, and a more efficient and effective process to deal with serious claims of abuse.

     "We have always believed that the settlement agreement is not only about compensation, but also about healing and reconciliation between First Nations and Canada. Today's appointment represents another milestone for residential school survivors and First Nations in moving forward on the healing journey,"
stated the National Chief.

     The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


/For further information: Nancy Pine, Communications Advisor, Office of the National Chief, (613) 241-6789 ext 243, cell (613) 298-6382, npine@afn.ca; Joan McEwen, Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789 ext 242, jmcewen@afn.ca/ 



The Government of Canada takes a significant step towards launching the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission

     OTTAWA, April 28 /CNW Telbec/ - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians today announced the appointment of Mr. Justice Harry S. LaForme, as Chair of the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (IRSTRC).

     "This is an important step in our commitment to the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement, and another example of our government doing the right thing for former students, and all Canadians," said Minister Strahl. "As a judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal, Justice LaForme brings a wealth of respect and leadership experience and is the most senior Aboriginal judge in the country.

     The appointment of the Chair is a significant step forward in establishing the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Justice LaForme will play a role in the selection of the other two Commissioners. Once they have been appointed, the Commission will be formally established.

     The IRSTRC is a key component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and will research and examine the conditions that gave rise to the Indian Residential School legacy. It will be an opportunity for people to tell their stories about a sad part of Canadian history that is still unknown to most Canadians.

     Justice LaForme was unanimously chosen to be the Chair of the IRSTRC from the more than 300 submissions in response to a public call for nominations. The selection panel included representatives of national Aboriginal organizations and parties to the Settlement Agreement.


                            JUSTICE HARRY S. LAFORME

     Justice Harry S. LaForme is a Mississauga Indian and a member of the Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation located in southern Ontario. He was born and raised on his reserve where his mother and some of his family continue to reside and remain active in that First Nation's government.

     He is especially proud of having his efforts recognized by his own Aboriginal people with such honours as: (i) the 1997 National Aboriginal Achievement Award in the area of Law & Justice; and (ii) Aboriginal elders have on three (3) occasions presented him with an Eagle Feather, symbolizing the virtues of honesty, integrity, and respect; the most recent being at his swearing in as a Judge of the Ontario Court of Appeal. He has many publications and articles on issues related to Aboriginal law and justice.

     Justice LaForme graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1977 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1979. He articled with the law firm of Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt and joined that firm as an associate in the practice of corporate commercial law. After a brief time with Osler, Hoskin, he commenced his own practice specializing in Aboriginal law. In practice he litigated and focused on matters involving the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. He has appeared before each level of Court and travelled extensively throughout Canada and represented Canadian Aboriginal interests in Geneva Switzerland, New Zealand, and British Parliament.

     In 1989 Justice LaForme was appointed Commissioner of the Indian Commission of Ontario. In 1991 he was appointed as Chief Commissioner of the Indian Specific Claims Commission on Aboriginal land claims. He taught the "Rights of Indigenous Peoples" law course at Osgoode Hall Law School in 1992 and 1993.

     In October 1989 to June 1990 Justice LaForme served as co-chair on the independent National Chiefs Task Force on Native Land Claims. In January 1994 he was appointed a judge of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division), now the Superior Court of Justice, Ontario. At the time of his appointment he was one of only 3 Aboriginal judges ever appointed to this level of trial court in Canada. In November 2004 Justice LaForme was appointed to the Ontario Court of Appeal. He is the first Aboriginal person to be appointed to sit on any appellate court in the history of Canada.


/For further information: Josée Bellemare, Press Secretary Office of the Honourable Chuck Strahl, (819) 997-0002; Kimberly Phillips, Office of the Interim Executive Director, Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission, (613) 219-5872/


From CBC.ca  

Ontario aboriginal judge to head Indian residential schools commission

April 27, 2008

An aboriginal judge with Ontario's Court of Appeal will head a commission looking into abuse at Indian residential schools, CBC News has learned.

Justice Harry LaForme, a member of the Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation in southern Ontario, is expected to lead the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that the federal government promised as part of an out-of-court settlement with former students of Canada's Indian Residential Schools.

LaForme, who was the first aboriginal person appointed to any Canadian appellate court, graduated from York University's Osgoode Hall Law School in 1977 and was called to the bar in 1979.

He was an associate at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt before leaving for private practice, specializing in aboriginal law.

LaForme, 61, is a former Ontario Indian commissioner and chair of a federal commission on aboriginal land claims.

His appointment is expected to be announced Monday.