Tyendinaga residents protecting their traditional territory against Ontario "development"

From Mohawk Nation News at www.mohawknationnews.com 

Tyendinaga Mohawk Aserakowa [War Chief] speaks from the front line – “We’re not leaving”. 

OPP:  “We’re coming in at dark to take you out!”

MNN:  April 25, 2008.  Aserakowa 613-243-4993 still at the quarry.
Shawn Brant was doing a media interview with APTN News in Tyendinaga on Deseronto Boundary Road.  Ontario Provincial Police came along with an outstanding assault charge.  They arrested Shawn.  They hauled him off to jail.  Then the OPP  closed both ends of Deseronto Road.  The Aserakowa came down to see what was going on. 
Steve Flynn of Aboriginal Response Team ART of the OPP showed up.  We talked.  Flynn told the Aserakowa about Shawn.    By then we had men at both ends of the road.  He talked about opening the road.  Flynn said, “You walk away and we’ll walk away.  Okay?”  Both Flynn and the Aserkowa agreed.    
“We will get in our cars and you’ll get in yours”, said Flynn.  It turned out to be a set up.  The Rotiskeneketeh started moving off the road.  Suddenly about 10 OPP jumped about 5 of our guys, threw them in the ditch, beat them up and arrested them.  They hauled them off to jail. No reasons were given for the arrests or assaults.   The OPP is certain not operating on an honorable nation to nation model.  It is not even offering the kind of fiduciary protection for indigenous rights as it is supposed to, according to the supreme Court of Canada.
Since when have the colonial institutions ever acted to protect Indigenous people?
After behaving like thugs and beating up our guys, the OPP pulled out their weapons and pointed them at us.  For our safety, we retreated back to the quarry.  We didn’t want to get shot. 
Once we got there cops swarmed us from every direction.  They were everywhere as far as we could see, armed to the teeth with their guns pointed directly at us all the time.
Then they came over with loud speakers, told us to come away from the quarry, down the hill, with our hands up in the air “where we can see them”.
We told them, “F*** you.  This is Mohawk land.  We’re not leaving”.  They raised their weapons and aimed at us again. 
“You’re going to have to shoot us”, we told them.
Then there was more build up.  They told us they are coming in at dark to take us out.  They are moving Mohawk people off Mohawk lands at the end of a gun barrel. 
The Mohawks are unarmed.
The OPP have SWAT Teams, ambulances, dogs and we can’t see if they ships in the water. 
Arrested are Clint Brant, Steve Hill, Dan Doreen, Shawn Brant and Mac Kunkel.  We don’t know where they’ve been taken. 
Six Nations people have closed down three roads.  Akwesasne guys are on the International Bridge.  In Kahnawake there will be closures. 
They will be coming after us at about 8:30 pm EDT, as soon as it gets dark. 
We’re not moving.  We know that. 
We don’t know what’s going to happen.  This is Ipperwash, 1990, Gustafsen Lake, Six Nations, the list goes on.   If they harm any of those guys at Tyendinaga, there’s no saying what will happen.
The message from the men is that we will defend the land.  That’s our duty according to the Kaianerekowa, Great Law of Peace, the law of Turtle Island.  
SEND URGENT OBJECTIONS TO PREMIER MCGUINTY OF ONTARIO; PRIME MINISTER STEVEN HARPER; JULIAN FANTINO COMMISSIONER OF THE OPP:  tell them to call off their thugs and stop breaking the peace.  They have a obligations under international law to resolve any disagreements peacefully.  They have an obligation to keep the peace, not to break it. 
MNN Mohawk Nation News


To:RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG>, <info@mbq-tmt.org>,       <enibourg@sutton.com>
Subject: Stop attack on Mohawks

The whole world is watching. Stop your attack on the Mohawks now. The land is theirs and the world supports them. They are right and you are wrong.

Pat Rasmussen
World Temperate Rainforest Network
PO Box 154 Peshastin, WA 98847


Ok everyone-

Just got a phone call from Jacqueline House at Six Nations. In protest to what the Canadian govt. and OPP armed officers are doing at Tyenindega, the Six Nations have now BLOCKED the By-Pass road at Caledonia!!!!!  3 Men have been arrested and have been jailed at Tyenindega.

Jacqueline House stated that all relatives with connections to people at these Reserves, PLEASE CALL and try to mobilize help to the area ASAP.  

Thanks everyone, please, PLEASE keep our relatives in your prayers, Bluejay

I've contacted the OPP to let them know that badge or no badge, they are not absolved in the eyes of our Creator for that which they do.

This activity will be monitored by the world.

Dieter of Germany

  • 518-358-3660
  • Warchief:  613-243-4993
  • Jan Hill 613-961-8515 613-827-1547
  • Dan 613-919-1354
  • Rotiskenekete 613-849-1314 613-827-4991
  • OPP Easter Headquarters 613-284-4500 L.G. Beechey Chief Supt. Commander Eastern Region
  • R. Don Maracle 613-396-3089 Cell 613-391-9249

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

See Category: “ Tyendinaga “ 

Stay tuned! Mohawk Nation News at www.mohawknationnews.com 

Please forward this message to others!


From CBC.ca

Police, protesters clash in eastern Ontario

Friday, April 25, 2008

Mohawk protesters were taken into custody on Friday following a tense standoff and clashes with police in eastern Ontario.

Ontario Provincial Police say the confrontation began after Shawn Brant, an organizer of the high-profile blockade of a Montreal-Toronto CN Rail corridor last June, was arrested during a traffic stop Friday afternoon in Deseronto, which is west of Kingston.

Brant, 44, faces charges of assault with a weapon, mischief under $5,000, breach of recognizance, weapons dangerous and possession of marijuana. Police said the assault was not related to recent protest activity.

During his arrest, supporters arrived on scene and clashed with officers, causing minor injuries to two officers, and smashing the window of an OPP vehicle, police said.

"This violent criminal activity occurred outside of any legitimate protest and will not be tolerated," said provincial police Commissioner Julian Fantino in a news release.

"Police officers being assaulted and injured for doing their utmost to keep the peace and protect the law-abiding community is unacceptable."

Police say they then set up area roadblocks, permitting only limited access to the area of Deseronto Road to ensure public safety.

Hours later, they clashed with protesters again when they tried to take several people into custody who were wanted in relation to protests earlier in the week.

Ten people were arrested. Six adults were charged, while four youths were released.

Among those arrested was Dan Doreen, leader of a group that erected a blockade Sunday on Deseronto's main road.

Several dozen Mohawk protesters set up the blockade to protest a land dispute with a Kingston-based developer. The blockade was dismantled Tuesday morning with the arrival of some 200 provincial police officers.

With files from Canadian Press


From CTV.ca News

OPP draw weapons in tense standoff with natives

Fri. Apr. 25 2008

The Ontario Provincial Police were involved in a tense standoff with Mohawk protesters in Deseronto, about 220 kilometres east of Toronto, on Friday.

At one point during the confrontation, which occurred around 4 p.m., officers drew their weapons.

OPP Sgt. Kristine Rae, in an interview with CTV.ca, would not confirm earlier reports that officers drew their weapons in reaction to seeing one of the Mohawks with a rifle or shotgun.

The protesters claim they had no weapons and no shots were fired.

The standoff followed an earlier incident Friday when Napanee OPP officers arrested Tyendinaga Mohawk leader Shawn Brant during a traffic stop.

During the arrest, which took place around 1:45 p.m., a group of people approached police and a confrontation ensued.

The police officers were allegedly assaulted and the window of an OPP vehicle was smashed.

As a result, the OPP established road blocks to prevent access to Deseronto Road.

Around 4 p.m., a group of people approached police at a blockade at Bridge Street.

Police recognized some within the group as suspects wanted in relation to protests that occurred in Deseronto on April 21 and 22.

Officers attempted to arrest the suspects but were met with resistance from the group.

During that incident "officers had their guns drawn in reaction to something," said Rae.

The report that officers saw a gun was "still under investigation," she said.

Ten people were eventually arrested for various offences including assaulting police. Six adults remain in OPP custody and will appear for a bail hearing Saturday in Napanee. Four young people were released unconditionally and the two police officers were taken to hospital for minor injuries.

Dan Doreen, the leader of a group that erected a blockade last Sunday on Deseronto's main road, was among those arrested.

Last Sunday's blockade was erected near Belleville, Ont., to protest a land dispute with a Kingston-based developer.

Brant was already under court order to stay away from any protests following his involvement in last June's national aboriginal day of action.

At that time, Brant lead a blockade of Highway 2 near Deseronto and was charged with mischief and breach of his bail conditions.

With files from The Canadian Press