"Boost your Business with Online Tools" videoconference workshop, March 20

NWO Innovation Centre in partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak

present a half day video conference workshop

offering tips on using the internet to buy/sell, advertise, display your arts & crafts, etc. 

Boost your Business with ONLINE Tools

March 20, 2008 9-12AM CST

All are welcome to connect from the sites below:

  • FREE from your First Nation community - ask your community tech or CTC about being a host site Refreshments can be arranged for larger groups. Print the poster.
  • Dryden - Suite 209 - 100 Casimir Avenue 
  • Sioux Lookout - 115 King St. 2nd floor boardroom
  • Thunder Bay - Valhalla Inn - Ballroom 1

Contact Martina for more information 877.737.5638 X 1266