KO Telemedicine (KOTM) participates in NAN Chiefs' Meeting in Thunder Bay

Delegates from the KO Telemedicine team attended the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Chiefs' meeting in Thunder Bay March 18-20. KOTM staff were available to share developments and information with the NAN chiefs.

As part of the health report to the Chiefs, KOTM Program Manager Donna Williams provided an update to the NAN Chiefs on the KOTM program. The NAN Chiefs passed a resolution to support Telemedicine development in all NAN territory and for NAN staff to utilize Telemedicine for program support whenever possible.

Dr Valerie Gideon, the Ontario Regional Director of FNIH spoke highly of KO Telemedicine and noted that the region was committed to supporting KO Telemedicine.

Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant was also at the NAN Chiefs meeting. Minister Bryant met breifly with the KOTM staff and was presented with a portfolio of the KOTM program. Minister Bryant said that he has heard about the great work that we were doing and that First Nations needed to continue to manage their own programs.

The events of the day were followed by a “NAN Chiefs Appreciation Dinner”. KO Telemedicine and Keewaytinook Okimakanak Executive Director Geordi Kakepetum hosted a dinner for the Chiefs to show the appreciation for all the support shown for KOTM by the NAN Chiefs.