Aboriginal Youth and Canada’s Future focus of Policy Research Initiative publication

From Canada's Policy Research Initiative (www.policyresearch.gc.ca)  

Hope or Heartbreak: Aboriginal Youth and Canada’s Future

Volume 10 Number 1
March 2008

Click here for a copy of this publication

This special issue of Horizons was a joint collaboration between the Government of Canada’s Policy Research Initiative and the Research and Analysis Directorate at Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. This volume is part of one of the PRI's current interdepartmental projects, Investing in Youth: Evidence from Research, Policy and Practice. This special issue presents the latest research and analysis to highlight emerging trends, challenges and opportunities related to the rapidly growing population of Aboriginal youth within an aging and changing Canada.

Table of Content


Hope or Heartbreak: Aboriginal Youth and Canada’s Future
Thomas Townsend and Michael Wernick


Reflections on Identity and Empowerment: Recurring Themes in the
Discourse on and with Aboriginal Youth
Marlene Brant Castellano


  • Aboriginal Peoples: A Young Population for Years to Come
    Jeanette Steffler
  • How Can One Be a Young Aboriginal?
    Laurent Jérôme


  • The Current Well-Being of Registered Indian Youth: Concerns for the Future?
    Éric Guimond and Martin J. Cooke
  • Aboriginal Students and K-12 School Change in British Columbia
    Cheryl Aman and Charles Ungerleider
  • University Attainment of the Registered Indian Population, 1981-2001:
    A Cohort Approach
    John Clement
  • Aboriginal Youth in the Canadian Labour Market
    Jeremy Hull
  • Factoring that Affects the Education and Work Transitions of First Nations
    Alison Taylor and Evelyn Steinhauer
  • When Teenage Girls Have Children: Trends and Consequences
    Éric Guimond and Norbert Robitaille
  • Policies and Practice Reforms to Promote Positive Transitions to Fatherhood
    among Aboriginal Young Men
    Jessica Ball
  • Voices of Aboriginal Youth Today: Keeping Aboriginal Languages Alive for
    Future Generations
    Mary Jane Norris
  • Cultural Continuity as a Protective Factor against Suicide in First Nations
    Michael J. Chandler and Christopher E. Lalonde
  • Uqausirtinnik Annirusunniq – Longing for Our Language
    Shelley Tulloch
  • The Overrepresentation of Aboriginal Youth in Custody – Policy Challenges
    Ray Corrado, Dr. Irwin Cohen and Amanda Watkinson
  • First Nations Youth Health: Recognizing the Challenges, Recognizing
    the Potential
    Valerie Gideon, Wendall Nicholas, Phat Ha and Jane Gray
  • Housing Need and Residential Mobility Among Urban Aboriginal Children
    and Youth
    Stewart Clatworthy


  • The National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
  • The National Aboriginal Role Model Program
  • Emerging Leaders
  • Strengthening Engagement Programming for Urban Aboriginal Youth