Ontario First Nation chiefs to meet for COO conference in June in UOI territory

From Chiefs of Ontario web site at http://chiefs-of-ontario.org  


JUNE 3-4-5, 2008


Please be advised, the 34th Annual All Ontario Chiefs Conference is scheduled for June 3-4-5, 2008 and it will be hosted by a Union of Ontario Indians First Nation with exact location to be determined.

A detailed memo will be forthcoming once location is confirmed along with meeting logistics.

For your information, please find listed below PTO/AFN Annual Meetings:

PTO/AFN                                                            DATES

• AIAI - AGA                                                      May 21-22-23, 2008
• GCT#3 - Spring AGA                                       Dates to be determined
• UOI - Grand Council Assembly                        June 23-24-25, 2008 (tentative)
• AFN - AGA                                                       July 15-16-17, 2008 – Quebec City
• NAN - Keewaywin Conference                        August (dated to be determined)

As indicated by Regional Chief Toulouse at the Special Chiefs Assembly in Thunder Bay last week, the Chiefs of Ontario is working toward securing resources for leadership to attend the 34th All Ontario Chiefs Conference.

Should you have any questions, please contact this office toll-free 1-877-517-6527.


Lori Jacobs,
Executive Director                             
Date: Thursday, February 14, 2008