Nishnawbe Aski Nation hosting Winter Chiefs' gathering in Thunder Bay - March 4-6

Nishnawbe Aski Nation is hosting a Chiefs' meeting in Thunder Bay, the first week of March (see the draft agenda below)

Nishnawbe Aski Nation
“Draft #2” AGENDA


Day 1 – Tuesday, March 4, 2008

8:00 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m. Call to Order
                 NAN Drum
                 Opening Prayer

9:10 a.m. Adoption of Conference Chairpersons
                Adoption of Rules and Procedures
                Adoption of Agenda

9: 30 a.m. Welcome – Grand Chief Stan Beardy
                  Welcome – Spokesperson NAN Youth Council
                  Welcome – NAN Elder
                  Welcome – Spokesperson NAN Women Council,
                  Welcome to the City of Thunder Bay – Mayor Lynn Peterson
                  Welcome to the Territory of Fort William First Nation – Chief Harry Pelletier

9:45 a.m. Grand Chief Stan Beardy – Opening Address to Delegation

10:00 a.m. Honourable Donna Cansfield, Minister of Natural Resources

11:00 a.m. Proposed Restructuring of NAN - Dave Fletcher/Tony Carfagnini

12:00 a.m. Lunch – Crime Stoppers Presentation – Gary Potter

1:00 p.m. NAN Universal Vote – Dave Fletcher/Bill Nothing 

2:00 p.m. Aboriginal Summer Camps - Phillip Fernandez, Frontier College

2:30 p.m. Project Beyschick

3:00 p.m. Waterpower Presentation – Shawn Batise, Wabun Tribal Council

4: 00 p.m. Resolutions

5:00 p.m. Closing Prayer

K.O. Dinner with the Chiefs @ 6:00 PM


Day II – Wednesday, March 5, 2008

8:00 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m. Call to Order
                 Opening Prayer
                 Opening Remarks – Co-Chairs

9:15 a.m. Interim Report – Northern Table
                Frank Beardy, Lead Negotiator

10:30 a.m. Question and Answer period on the Northern Table Report 

12:00 p.m. Lunch – Special Investigation Unit Presentation

1:00 p.m. Policing Issues – Deputy Grand Chief RoseAnne Archibald

1:45 p.m. Chiefs Open Forum
                 • Addressing Solutions to Community Capital Needs

3:30 p.m. Update on Winter Roads – Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund

4:00 p.m. Resolutions

5:00 p.m. Closing Prayer

Meet and Greet sponsored by the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce     5:10 – 7:00 pm – Barcelona Room

A Social Night – an Evening of Fun and Laughter
7:00 – 10:00 pm – Barcelona Room

Day III – Thursday, March 6, 2008

8:00 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m. Call to Order 
                 Opening Prayer
                 Opening Remarks – Co-Chairs

9: 15 a.m. Honourable Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development and Mines
10:00 a.m. Health Presentation - Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler             

10:30 a.m. Specific Land Claims – Luke Hunter/Kim Fullerton 

11:30 a.m. Women’s Projects – Deputy Grand Chief RoseAnne Archibald
                   • Family Healing Projects

12:00 p.m. Arts Development Project – Catherine Cheechoo
                  Ontario Heritage Fund Presentation

1:30 p.m. Social Services – Lawrence Baxter

2:00 p.m. Resolutions

5:00 p.m. Closing Remarks – Grand Chief Stan Beardy
                 NAN Drum  
                Closing Prayer