Environmentalists working with First Nations in struggle to protect lands and waterways


Environmentalists raise concerns over mining claims in Ont. boreal forest

By Michael Oliveira, THE CANADIAN PRESS
TORONTO - The approval of a new De Beers Canada exploration project and some 1,500 other mining claims in Ontario's northern boreal forest suggests the provincial government is putting the interests of the mining industry before the concerns of the region's residents, environmentalists said Wednesday.

The group Forest Ethics said it's concerned that the opening in a few weeks of the province's first diamond mine, De Beers Canada's Victor mine, will open the floodgates to over development in the north and threaten the environment.

On Wednesday, a notice was posted on the provincial Environment Registry indicating the company has received approval to begin an advanced exploration project about 3.5 kilometres southeast of its mine.

The project could include the excavation of two 13-metre-deep trenches and drilling 200 metres into the ground to recover about 300 tonnes of materials to sample.

An average of almost 400 mining claims have been staked in each of the last four months in the northern boreal forest, and Gillian McEachern of Forest Ethics said she's concerned it's just the start of a growing trend of prospectors running rampant in search of precious metals and minerals.

"Those shiny gems De Beers is digging out of the forest may last forever, but our healthy northern forest and woodland caribou definitely won't without action to protect the ecosystems before further development," McEachern said.

"With the rate of claims being staked in the north, it's become really apparent that mining is really the main threat to being able to protect the ecosystem in the far north."

Michael Gravelle, the minister of northern development and mines, said so many claims are being staked across the province because the mineral sector is currently booming.

He said it represents a great opportunity for the province, but added the government is ensuring environmental and community interests are addressed.

"We take very seriously and recognize the need to find that balance," Gravelle said.

"As the minister of mines, I'm clearly excited about the opportunities in the mining sector. But I also recognize that whether it's working closely with First Nations communities who are impacted by these developments or ... the entire future of the far north in terms of the land use, it's important we get it right."

Gravelle said the claim-staking process has a very small effect on the environment and only grants companies temporary use of Crown land.

Companies are required to submit a closure plan that details how they will return the land to its original form once the work is complete.

Only about one per cent of the northern land mass has been staked, and only one in 10,000 claims ever results in a mine being developed, Gravelle said, adding the claims do not interfere with fishing, hunting, and recreation.

But Anna Baggio of the Wildlands League said environmentalists are skeptical that the government and mining industry will fully respect their concerns and the wishes of northern residents and aboriginal communities.

"These areas are essentially treated as mining lands and no other value gets considered there - not climate change, not clean water, not aboriginal values or land uses," she said.

"Mining trumps all, and that's unfortunately the thrust of the way the mining regime works in Ontario."


Mining Watch Canada Coordinator visits Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug

Joan Kuyek, National Coordinator of Mining Watch Canada visited Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug. Visit their website at http://kitchenuhmaykoosib.com/ to see a portion of her presentation to the community.

Or watch it on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oUdZ_SpieE