Bell Canada representatives discuss network requirements and plans with K-Net team

Bell Aliant's Northern Ontario sales team (Tricia Hartley, Business Solutions Manager from Sudbury and Kerri Spooner, Regional Sales Manager from Thunder Bay) brought Bell Aliant's new Aboriginal Liaison, Michelle Dormody from Halifax to Sioux Lookout on Monday evening.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net team members met with these Bell Aliant representatives to discuss:

  • the Kuhkenah Network configuration and support system;
  • collaborative initiatives to support the further development of community based broadband applications;
  • Bell Aliant backbone infrastructure development plans;
  • building partnerships between public, private and not-for-profit groups requiring the use of broadband networks;
  • working together to influence government and programs to support the development and sustainability of broadband infrastructure;
  • supporting applications that provide remote and rural communities with choices for service delivery and support.

One announcement made during the meeting was that the Bell Aliant family now includes NorthernTel (Northeastern Ontario) and  Telebec (Quebec) as one entity.