INAC minister visits Nipissing First Nation to announce on-reserve safe water management progress

From Press Release

Government of Canada Reports Substantial Progress in Improving First Nation Water Quality

In less than two years, Government reduces the number of high-risk First Nation water systems by over half.

NIPISSING FIRST NATION, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 17, 2008) - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Metis and Non-Status Indians, today released a progress report on the Plan of Action for Drinking Water in First Nations Communities, outlining improvements made in water quality on reserves across Canada.

The release of the report fulfills a commitment, made as part of the plan of action, to report on progress on a regular basis.

"In March 2006, our government introduced a water plan of action that significantly changed the way water quality was addressed in First Nation communities," said Minister Strahl. "We are committed to ensuring that residents of First Nations enjoy the same protection afforded other Canadians when it comes to drinking water. Since coming to office, we have reduced by over half the number of high risk First Nation water systems."

This number of high-risk water systems has reduced from 193 to 85. Also in 2006, 21 communities were identified as priorities, which meant that the community had both a high-risk system and a drinking water advisory. Today, only six communities remain on that list.

"The progress we are seeing is because of our government's commitment to work with First Nations communities and deliver real results," added Strahl.

The progress report also references a Procedure for Addressing Drinking Water Advisories in First Nations Communities South of 600 (, developed by Health Canada, in partnership with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and First Nation stakeholders. It promotes a team approach to addressing drinking water advisories.

"Our goal is to provide communities with the support they need so that drinking water advisories can be lifted as soon as possible," said the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health. "We are committed to working with First Nations communities to increase their capacity to prevent and respond to drinking water quality issues. This new procedure will be an important tool in achieving this objective."

Minister Strahl also highlighted several Ontario First Nations who, under the plan of action, have received funding support for water projects that will benefit their communities. Over $61 million went to the following Ontario First Nations in 2006-2007 for upgrading existing and building new water and wastewater systems:

- Nipissing First Nation

- Moose Deer Point First Nation

- Henvey Inlet First Nation

- Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek

- Mattagami First Nation

- Saugeen First Nation

- Red Rock First Nation

"I'm pleased to see the progress that is being announced today in many of our First Nation communities," said Grand Council Chief John Beaucage, Anishinabek Nation. "First Nations in Ontario want to work with Canada, not just on the projects highlighted today, but in all possible efforts to ensure a reliable supply of clean, safe drinking water on reserve. Ultimately, we want to improve the living conditions for our people so we have healthy and safe communities."

This news release is also available on the Internet at the following address:



Nipissing First Nation - $15.1 million: funding for two water infrastructure projects at Nipissing First Nation's Garden Village community. One project (worth approximately $14.1 million) involves building new water and wastewater treatment plants, as well as watermains and sewermains. Construction has started and is expected to take approximately two years. Completion of this project will remove the high risk rating of the water treatment system in this community.

The second project, which is already underway, involves the development of an 84 lot subdivision, which includes roads, ditches, watermains and sewermains. It is being cost-shared between the First Nation ($2.6 million) and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) ($1.0 million).

Nipissing First Nation, located on the north shore of Lake Nipissing between the City of North Bay and the town of Sturgeon Falls, has approximately 2,100 members, 840 of whom live on reserve.

Moose Deer Point First Nation - $13.2 million: funding for a new water treatment plant and associated infrastructure for Moose Deer Point First Nation. The project consists of: a new water treatment plant (slow sand filtration); a new water intake located in Issac Bay; a water distribution system connecting all three parcels of the First Nations land base; and, an elevated storage reservoir centrally located at Gordon Bay. The First Nation is in the process of selecting a contractor through a competitive bidding process.

As a result of interim upgrades, Moose Deer Point's drinking water advisory was lifted on December 19, 2007. Consequently, this First Nation has been removed from the "Priority Community" category.

Moose Deer Point First Nation, located approximately 21 kilometres west of Bracebridge on the east shore of Georgian Bay, has a total of 449 members, 143 of whom live on reserve.

Henvey Inlet First Nation - $5.2 million: funding for an upgrade of Henvey Inlet's water system. The project includes construction of a new water treatment plant, water mains, hydrants, and a new water storage reservoir. Construction started in September 2006 and the plant has been in operation since early December 2007.

Henvey Inlet First Nation, located approximately 65 km south of Sudbury, Ontario, has approximately 590 members, 160 of whom live on reserve.

Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek (BZA) - $5.1 million: funding for construction of a new water treatment plant and upgrades to a wastewater lift station at BZA. The water treatment plant upgrade includes: a slow sand filtration system with ultraviolet and chlorine dioxide disinfection; new pumps to increase water pressure for improved fire protection; a new backup diesel generator; and, a new building. Improvements to the lift station include new pumps, new pipes and an automated link to the water treatment plan. The First Nation has started work on this project and is estimating completion by spring 2008.

As of June 2007, BZA lowered its risk rating from high to medium because the First Nation's back-up water treatment plant operator has received further training, ensuring more consistent operation of the system.

BZA, located approximately 160 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario on the southeast shore of Lake Nipigon, has approximately 670 members, 340 of whom live on reserve.

Mattagami First Nation - $3.2 million: funding for a major water treatment system upgrade at Mattagami First Nation. The upgrade includes: improvements to the disinfection system; improved automation of the plant; addition of a back-up generator; and, expansion of the current building to include the new systems. Work on the project is expected to start in the coming months and estimated completion is spring 2008.

In June 2007, the First Nation lowered its water system risk rating from high to medium by ensuring more consistent plant operation, digging a second well and developing a well protection plan.

The Mattagami First Nation, located approximately 113 kilometres west of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, has approximately 450 members, 190 of whom live on reserve.

Saugeen First Nation - $14 million: funding for a new water supply system at Saugeen First Nation. The new system consists of: a connection to the town of Saugeen Shores municipal water supply system; construction of a pump house and above grade reservoir; a water distribution system; back-up generating system; elevated storage reservoir; and, the decommissioning of six pump houses and associated small-diameter water mains. The First Nation has started work on this project and is estimating completion by spring 2008.

The Saugeen First Nation, located south of the Bruce Peninsula approximately 40 km west of Owen Sound, Ontario, has approximately 1,560 members, 740 of whom live on reserve.

Red Rock First Nation - $6 million: funding for expansion of Red Rock First Nation's current water treatment plant. The project includes: new filtration systems; expanding water storage and treatment capacity; new pumps; a back- up diesel generator; and, additions to the existing building to house the new equipment. The First Nation has started work on this project and is estimating completion by spring 2008.

Red Rock First Nation, located approximately 114 kilometres east of Thunder Bay, Ontario, has approximately 1,440 members, 260 of whom live on reserve.


From INAC web site

Notes for an Address by the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Announcing Progress on the Plan of Action for Drinking Water in First Nations Communities

Nipissing First Nation - January 17, 2008

I want to begin by thanking Chief Couchie, Chief Beaucage of the Union of Ontario Indians, Council, elders and everyone from Nipissing First Nation for a very warm welcome.

This is a community with a deep appreciation for its history and a strong commitment to building a prosperous future. As a First Nation that takes its name from Lake Nipissing, you have a vivid reminder that water has always been a valued resource and an essential component of community life.

Even in a country like Canada, water can never be taken for granted. When our government came to office we stood committed with First Nations to improve access to clean drinking water on reserve.

We said: It's an unacceptable situation and we are going to fix it.

In 2006, we introduced a Plan of Action for Drinking Water in First Nations Communities. Since then, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has been working in partnership with Health Canada, Environment Canada, and First Nations to better the situation.

When we launched the Plan of Action, part of the commitment we made was to monitor progress and to make the information available to everyone. We wanted to ensure our efforts remain focused on making real, tangible and measurable improvements in the lives of people.

Today we're releasing the latest progress report and it shows there has been consistent and very encouraging progress.

Our Conservative government is committed to ensuring that residents of First Nations enjoy the same protection afforded other Canadians when it comes to drinking water. When we came to office, there were — shockingly — 193 high risk systems in First Nation communities. That number has now been reduced to 85.

When the Plan of Action was launched, it identified 21 priority communities with high risk systems which also had drinking water advisories. The latest progress report has only six communities in this category.

These are important steps, but we have to ensure progress continues. To keep moving forward, my department is preparing an independent national assessment of the current state of all water and wastewater systems.

We're also taking action to further improve the skills of local water system operators. We're looking to hire between 30 and 40 more trainers who will travel to different communities. These new hires will nearly double the number of trainers.

To date, 41 per cent of operators have achieved the first level of certification or higher.

I'm confident that, with the support of First Nations leaders, we'll continue achieving results. Here in Nipissing First Nation, Chief and Council are making change happen.

Your community was identified as having high risk water systems. You wanted to move quickly so that families would have access to clean, safe water.

With our $15.1 million investment, here in Nipissing First Nation, projects are underway to improve water and wastewater treatment.

This is part of our Government's commitment of more than $61 million to support similar projects in Ontario since the beginning of 2006.

These have included critical investments in communities such as Moose Deer Point First Nation, which is receiving funding towards a new water treatment plant and improved infrastructure, and Saugeen First Nation which is receiving funds for a new water supply system.

The progress we are seeing is because of our government's commitment to work with First Nations communities and deliver real results. By working together, we can have clean, safe water for all.

I want to thank you and other chiefs and councils across Ontario for your commitment to building stronger communities, ultimately, building a brighter future for First Nations people and all Canadians.

Thank you.