KO Telemedicine team meets with Health Canada Minister Tony Clement, COO Regional Chief, NAN Grand Chief

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Stan Beardy and the Chiefs of Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse met with Health Minister Tony Clement in Kenora last week.  Agenda items included public health requirements for First Nations, infrastructure upgrades to FN health centres and Telemedicine. 

Donna Williams, the KO Telemedicine Program Manager, was invited to attend the meeting and be a resource for any questions the minister may have about Telemedicine. 

“It was a positive experience to know that the Minister of Health is aware of the impacts that Telemedicine is having in our communities. Minister Clement stated that he was committed to ensuring KO Telemedicine would have funding for the next fiscal year.” explained Donna.

Tina Kakepetum Schultz, the KOTM Community Engagement Coordinator attended the meeting as well, explaining “The Grand Chief and the Regional Chief spoke very highly of the work that KO Telemedicine and KNet are doing in our communities.  They encouraged the Minister to support First Nations to build upon the great work that has been initiated in the region to ensure all FN in Ontario can participate in the benefits of Telemedicine and broadband technologies”.