Have Your Say - government opens Online Pre-Budget Consultations for Budget 2008

From Finance Canada web site http://www.fin.gc.ca/activty/consult/prebud08_e.html

Online Pre-Budget Consultations for Budget 2008

Started January 14, 2008

Note: A consultation is not a poll. Please do not send multiple or duplicate submissions. Views expressed will be made available to the Minister of Finance as part of the budget-formulation process.

Closing date: 12 midnight (EST) on February 11, 2008

Who may respond: Anyone interested in participating

Consultation Documents:

This Consultation Seeks Your Answers to These Questions:

  • What steps should the Government take in Budget 2008 (and beyond) to ensure that Canada is prepared to deal with the implications of an aging population?
  • Should the Government be implementing broad-based policies that will help all sectors of the economy to succeed or should it focus on developing policies to assist specific industries facing special challenges?
  • In what areas should the Government focus its resources in Budget 2008 (and beyond)? If resources need to be redirected from other areas, what areas should these be?
  • What steps should the Government take in Budget 2008 (and beyond) to ensure that the Canadian economy remains internationally competitive, continues to attract investment and creates high value-added jobs?
  • What tax and other measures should the Government take to ensure that Canada keeps its best and brightest, attracts highly skilled immigrants, encourages as many people as possible to enter the workforce, and rewards Canadians for their hard work, while respecting the Government’s fiscal goals?
  • What other issues would you like to address?  

Join the Consultation