The National Aboriginal Health Organization (NAHO) is committed to improving the well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis living in urban, rural and remote communities across Canada. By collecting, analyzing and sharing health information with its diverse audiences and partners, NAHO continues to advance this most important cause. It is a founding belief of the organization that the advancement and sharing of knowledge about Aboriginal health are vital to empowering Aboriginal Peoples.
Towards this end, NAHO has accomplished a great deal this year. Our three centres—the First Nations, Métis and Ajunnginiq (Inuit) centres — have each produced a wealth of information and material specific to the needs and interests of their various populations. The resources and events that they have prepared over the course of this year have proved invaluable to the Aboriginal communities, organizations and health workers they support.
The Policy and Communications Unit at NAHO has overseen projects involving all three Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. This year the Unit has worked to enhance the Organization’s communications tools and strategies. With the implementation of these new tools, the Organization can soon expect to expand its reach and increase its impact.
As the Aboriginal Peoples Affiliate for the Canadian Health Network, NAHO continues to build an extensive online repository of relevant and trustworthy resources on Aboriginal health. NAHO’s relationship with the Canadian Health Network is just one of the partnerships that has helped to solidify its reputation as one of the leading authorities on Aboriginal health issues in Canada. We hope to build and maintain similar partnerships in the years to come.
The National Aboriginal Role Model Program partnered with the Governor General of Canada this year to host one of its most successful awards ceremonies to date. The program, which has been administered by NAHO since 2002, named 12 new Aboriginal role models for the 2006-07 fiscal year. Special congratulations should be given to all involved in this year’s launch.
Finally, NAHO would like to acknowledge its committee members, member organizations and staff for their commitment to fostering better health for Aboriginal Peoples and communities. The tireless efforts of these individuals and organizations have helped to make NAHO the vital organization that it is today.
Derek Debassige