Matawa First Nations Management team opens Sacred Fire Resource Centre in Thunder Bay

From the TBay Chronicle-Journal ...

Training centre widens employment, training options

By PETER BURKOWSKI - December 6, 2007

Matawa First Nations members now have several new employment and training options at their fingertips.

The Matawa Education Department and Matawa Employment & Training announced the opening of the Sacred Fire Resource Centre (SFRC) and the new Matawa education website on Thursday.
The SFRC is a multi-use resource facility designed to assist and respond to the needs of people from 10 Matawa First Nations.

The centre offers reference materials, learning and teaching aids, educational tools and computer equipment.

“(Matawa members) need to access computers, in order for them to enhance their job readiness and line up with corporations or companies that are seeking people,” said Matawa First Nation Management CEO David Paul Achneepineskum.

The new website is intended to act as an extension of the organization‘s other education outreach efforts, and provides services for students, teachers and community members.

“I think it‘s an exciting opportunity that we launched the website, because . . . it‘s more interactive,” said Matawa education adviser Murray Waboose. “We know that today, kids in the First Nations communities are no exception to the mainstream students: they are very actively involved with website access.”

The SFRC‘s logo features a stylized eagle with an open book for wings, symbolizing strength and education.

The SFRC is located at the Matawa First Nations office building, 233 Court St. S. in Thunder Bay, and is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The Matawa education website can be found at