Kee Kee Tooh Anishnawbe 24 Hour Help Line

Booshoo! Wacheeay! Aneen! We are the new KEE KEE TOOH ANISHNAWBE HELP LINE!! We have started a telephone help line specifically for Anishnawbe. It gives you the opportunity to talk to someone when you need to. The operators are trained professionals and the network will grow in time, but we are here for you.

The number to call is 1 888 376 1431. Call at anytime to talk to someone about anything. We're here for you. The reason we set this up is because too many of our people are being brushed off and being sent to people that cannot help them. We are here for you to help in any way we can. The Kids Help phone have many awesome operators but have no one that we know of that can speak Ojibway or Cree. We do. Our operators are bilingual in the Anishnawbe languages. Someday we hope that this network will grow.

We have started this independantly for we know it is vital. It is extremely important for someone in need to talk to someone. So, we're waiting and we'll be talking to you soon!!