Ontario and Harper governments declares war on remote First Nation over use of traditional lands

"THIS COURT ORDERS that this order be directed to the Sheriff of the District of Kenora for enforcement and directs the Ontario Provincial Police and police officers of that service to assist the Sheriff in the endorcement of the Order by removing from the Exploration Property any person contravening its provisions, subject to the discretion of the police acting reasonably with respect to the timing and means of removing any such person;"

With complete disregard to the First Nation's resolution for "no mining activity in their territory", Ontario "Justice" Smith's court order now provides the mining corporation along with government of Ontario employees, politicians and "enforcement" officers with the paper they need to go and do what they want on Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) First Nation traditional territories. Harper's government, through their inaction and lack of support for KI's land claims, continues to contribute to this conflict.

Hopefully the "descretion of the police acting reasonably" will ensure there is no violence and no one gets hurt as KI community members and their supporters rally to protect their lands and territories from the greed and selfish actions of these corporate and government foreigners.

Click here to read the entire court order and Platinex's legal team letter.

In his statement to KI leaders that is on video on the KI web site, James Trusler, President of Platinex states:

"I can't discuss treaty rights or anything like that, it's none of my business.

The treaty is between yourself and the federal and provincial governments. And if there is something that is really a problem for you then you have to deal with that.

Now we can help, dealing with the government ...."

Even with this colonial indifference to legal treaties, hopefully the Platinex company president is a man of his word and will take the time necessary to "help deal with these governments" concerning respect and use of the treaties to protect the traditional lands of KI.