First Nations children and youth art contest - "Drawing Our Way to Health"

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Drawing Our Way to Health: First Nations Children and Youth Art Contest

Oct. 30, 2007 - Enter the First Nations Centre’s children and youth drawing contest for your chance to win one of several iPod shuffles or a special grand prize.

The First Nations Centre at the National Aboriginal Health Organization is proud to announce an ART CONTEST for First Nations children and youth!

Contest Description

Twenty seven pieces of artwork will be chosen to be published in a new First Nations Centre children’s book that will be distributed across Canada! The artwork can come from any medium (drawing, painting, multimedia) and submitted by mail or by computer (scanned image).

The theme of the contest is “Drawing Our Way to Health”. Entries can come from many themes, such as FAMILY LIFE, CULTURE, HEALTHY LIVING, and COMMUNITY.

You can submit your artwork in one of THREE age categories: 0-8, 9-13, and 14-18. Each category will be judged separately.


If your artwork is selected for the book, you will receive an iPod shuffle. One GRAND PRIZE will be chosen for the
cover of the book, and the winner will receive an iPod video!

How to enter

Please send your artwork by mail or email to:

Art Contest
220 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1200
Ottawa, ON K1P 5Z9


Please include the Artist’s Name, Age, Community, and a few sentences describing their artwork.