First Nation youth share their stories and are role models at AFN Youth Summit in Winnipeg

AFN press release ...

Assembly of First Nations Announces Winners of all-expense paid trip to National First Nations Youth Summit in Winnipeg

OTTAWA, Oct. 29, 2007

The Assembly of First Nations and the AFN Youth Council are pleased to announce the names of nine First Nations youth essay writers who have won an all-expense paid trip to the 3rd First Nations National Youth Summit, being held in Winnipeg, October 30 to November 1, 2007.

"It is inspiring to our leaders, Elders and all citizens in our nations to see our youth pour their passion and energy into advancing the goals of our nations and expressing their hope for the future," said National Chief Phil Fontaine. "On behalf of the Assembly of First Nations I offer them my heartfelt congratulations on their award-winning essays."

"As a council, we understand the challenge we put forward to those who have entered the contest. It was absolutely inspiring to hear what we can be as youth, as First Nations and how we can work better toward a prosperous future," said Travis Boissoneau, the Assembly of First Nations National Youth Council, Ontario Male Representative. The importance of listening to youth perspectives and involving us is growing and being recognized by First Nation and non-First Nation leadership. We commend all contestants and look forward to meeting the successful winners."

The Assembly of First Nations launched the contest in September, asking youth aged 18 to 29 to write a short essay expressing their vision of the summit's theme: "Rebuilding Our Nations - National Unity, Voices from the Community."

The nine winners are:

  • Daniel McKennitt, of the Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation;
  • Rachel Sangwais, of the Sakimay First Nation in Saskatchewan;
  • Janice Makokis of the Saddle Lake Cree Nation in northeastern Alberta;
  • Joseph Dore, of the Ginoogaming First Nation in Northern Ontario;
  • Jessica Veinot of the Dene Nation of Lutsel K'e in the Northwest Territories;
  • Ben Powless Mohawk of the Six Nations Grand River Territory in Southwestern Ontario;
  • Mahogany McGuire, of the Ojibwa Gull Bay First Nation, in Northern Ontario;
  • Martial Pinette, of the Naskapi Nation in northeastern Quebec;
  • Dakota Brant, Mohawk of the Six Nations Grand River Territory in Southwestern Ontario.

Hundreds of youth aged 18 to 29 are expected to turn up for the 3rd National Youth Summit, hosted by the AFN National Youth Council, a chance for youth to follow up to the June 29 National Day of Action.

The summit will produce a Five Year Action Plan to address challenges and opportunities facing First Nations youth, such as: suicide prevention, addictions prevention, preserving First Nations culture and economic opportunities.

Youth will also grade a report card to assess how well First Nations, Provincial/Territorial and Federal leaders have responded to their first Action plan, issued ten years ago.

About the Winners

Daniel McKennitt, 24, comes from the Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation, in southern Manitoba. Inspired by his mother, a residential school survivor and breast cancer survivor, Daniel became interested in improving the health and success of Aboriginal youth in all aspects of life. This led Daniel to study medicine at the University of Alberta. Before this, Daniel completed his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Alberta with a double major in Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Previously working with institutions such as the University of Alberta, Alberta Advanced Education, and Canadian Heritage, Daniel brings a wealth of knowledge in regards to working with Aboriginal youth to achieve their goals. Daniel is also one of twelve National Aboriginal Health Organization Youth Role Models of 2006-2007. His essay Community Capacity Building: A way to a New Future for First Nations Youth examines ways First Nations can advance their self-governance over health issues.

Rachel Sangwais is 26 years old and resides on the Sakimay First Nation in Saskatchewan. She has worked as a band councilor for her community in the Governance Justice Department and is currently employed with her First Nation as a Youth Worker. She is active in developing programming for youth in the community and is a Chairperson for a Youth Advisory Committee. Her essay Creating an Identity argues that youth must be connected to their culture, history and involved in politics from the very beginning so they can learn to interact with all ages and understand governance processes.

Born and raised on the Saddle Lake Cree Nation in northeastern Alberta, Janice Makokis has worked closely with respected community Elders, political leaders and Indigenous academics to build her Indigenous epistemological framework. Her strong cultural foundation guides her in the work she does personally, professionally and academically. After finishing a thesis on 'Cree Women and Self Determination' for a Master's degree in Indigenous Governance through the University of Victoria, Janice enrolled in law school. She also holds a B.A. degree in Native Studies/ Political Science from the University of Alberta. Janice has been involved in a number of community programs, including working with various youth committees both local and national as a way to provide an Indigenous youth perspective to issues directly impacting youth. Her essay Seeking and Practicing 'Iyiniw Pahminsowin': An Individual and Collective Journey" weaves her own healing journey into the history of the Blue Quill's First Nation College, a former residential school that was transferred to First Nations control in 1971. Janice is currently living in Ottawa.

Joseph Dore is originally from Ginoogaming First Nations in Northern Ontario. He is 25 years old and a proud Two-Spirited youth. Joseph currently resides in San Francisco, California, participating in an Indigenous Fellowship Program with the Rainforest Action Network which is an Environmental Non-Profit Organization that works with communities to address issues pertaining to saving old growth and rainforests around the world. Joseph has worked with First Nations and Aboriginal youth in urban centres across Canada, and has been a strong advocate for the rights and equality for two-spirit peoples in First Nations communities and a facilitator for two-spirit awareness. He is currently the co-chair for the "Young Eagles Challenge" which is a First Nations youth group of facilitators who facilitate and provide the training of the Peer Education Manual for First Nations youth on HIV/AIDS and related issues. Joseph's essay examines the role of respect and truth in the healing journey of First Nations Youth.

Jessica Veinot, was born in the Dene Commuity of Lutsel K'e in the Northwest Territories. She was put into care shortly after her birth and adopted into a non-native family who relocated to Nova Scotia. Her adoptive family loved and cared for her, but she knew little about her heritage or identity until a phone call changed her life. It was her biological sister calling to meet her. Jessica's essay traces her personal journey to recapture her identity as a Dene woman, leading the reader to a reunion with her dying biological mother. Although Jessica could never speak directly to the woman who gave birth to her, as they could not understand each other's language, she remembers the experience as "the best day of my life and I will keep it forever in my soul." Today, Jessica is 24 years old and studying child and youth care at Nova Scotia Community College. She hopes to work with Aboriginal youth on issues such as suicide, addictions and poverty and is a firm believer that programs aimed at Aboriginal youth must integrate cultural awareness. Jessica lives in Halifax.

Ben Powless, 21, is a Mohawk from Six Nations in Ontario. He is currently in his second year studying Human Rights, Indigenous Studies and Environmental Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, after having completed a year in an international exchange program, studying sustainable rural development between Alberta and Mexico. He has been involved with the local Aboriginal community through the Odawa Native Friendship Centre and on-campus groups, and has worked extensively with the youth environmental movement. He aspires to eventually work in national and international issues involving indigenous rights, human rights and their interplay with the environment. Ben's essay A Sustainable Vision for Future Generations takes a holistic approach to sustaining the environment, First Nations cultures and rights. Ben is living in Ottawa.

Mahogany McGuire, 22, is an Ojibwa woman of the Caribou Clan, from the Gull Bay First Nation, in northern Ontario. She often volunteers to support her community's activities and also volunteers for the Lakehead University Native Student Council. Mahogany grew up off-reserve near Thunder Bay, and recognized the need to incorporate First Nations culture and history into the mainstream school curriculum. This inspired Mahogany to studying at Lakehead University, in the Native Teachers Education Program. She is also an award-wining pianist and a jingle dress dancer. Her essay Vision of the Future/The Future Generation combines her personal vision with advocacy for political rights, social justice and culturally competent education.

Martial Pinette, 22, is originally from the Kawawachikamach reserve in northeastern Quebec, part of the Naskapi Nation. Martial has lived both on and off-reserve. In December 2006, he was elected to represent youth on the board of Directors at the Native Friendship Centre in Sept-Iles. On March 2007, at a special Naskapi Band Council meeting, he was elected as the youth representative on the Board of Directors for the Naskapi Local Management Board and Economic Development Organization. Martial believes that improving youth self-esteem is key to preventing drug and alcohol abuse.

Dakota Brant, 20, is Mohawk Nation Turtle Clan hailing from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. She is a second year student of Trent University and of Tsi Tyonnheht Onkwawenna, where she is taking full immersion studies in the Mohawk language. She is currently working toward her BA Honours Degree in Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Environmental Studies, with a specialization in the Mohawk Language. In her essay Onkwawenna ne Onkwasastenhsera, Dakota explains that she could not speak her own language three years ago. Her essay advocates the importance of language to her people, their ceremonies and her own personal life. "I stand by my belief, from my own personal experience that when you learn your language, half of the culture comes with it, as well as 100 percent understanding," she writes. Dakota currently resides in Deseronto.

For further information: Karyn Pugliese, Communications Officer, Health Secretariat, (613) 241-6789, ext 210, (613) 292-1877,