Our Story writing contest announces 2007 winning authors and posts stories by young Aboriginal writers

Our Story - Aboriginal Writing Challenge ...

The third annual Canadian Aboriginal Writing Challenge was another great year of creative short stories from Aboriginal youth across the country. More than 125 essays were submitted in the 14-18 and 19-29 age category. The Dominion Institute and the projects partners would like to thank all the participants and congratulate the top 10 winning authors in each age category.

Please click on one of the links below to find out more about these writers and read their winning submissions. If you, or anybody you know, are a young Aboriginal author, please note that the deadline for the 2008 Canadian Aboriginal Writing Challenge is March 31, 2008.

Teachers can engage their entire class in the Aboriginal Writing Challenge. Students will debate and discuss pivotal moments in Aboriginal history and build creative writing skills.

The Aboriginal Writing Challenge Teacher's Guide provides simple step-by-step guidelines on how to participate in the Aboriginal Writing Challenge and classroom activities that aid in the research and creative process.

Consult the Curriculum Correlation to find out how this programme fits in with provincial curricula across the country.

Students can use the Six Steps to Writing Historical Fiction for tips on researching and creating a work of historical fiction.

The Canadian Aboriginal Writing Challenge is an initiative of the Dominion Institute and is made possible by a dedicated group of individuals and organizations. We would like to thank the ongoing support of our lead sponsor Enbridge Inc. as well as our national partners, the Royal Bank of Canada, Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Learning Television, National Literacy Secretariat, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and The Beaver: Canada's History Magazine. We would also like to acknowledge our community partners in Alberta, Legacy Magazine and the University of Alberta, who help us outreach to young Albertans.

Each year, the short stories submitted to the Writing Challenge are reviewed by an outstanding group of Aboriginal authors and leaders who make up our Advisory Committee.

Theytus Books Ltd. and the Dominion Institute have agreed to partner on a publication that will bring together selected winning entries from the young Aboriginal Canadians who participated in the first three years of the Aboriginal Writing Challenge. The first publication will be released in Fall 2007.

The Our Story publication, published by Doubleday Canada, brings together nine leading Aboriginal Authors from across the country, including Tantoo Cardinal, Tom King and Tomson Highway, who each contributed a short fictional story about a defining moment in Aboriginal history. The Our Story publication was produced with generous donations from Enbridge Inc., the Canadian Studies Department of Canadian Heritage and Doubleday Canada.

The Dominion Institute
183 Bathurst St., Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2V2

• Read the 2007 Submissions

• Read the 2006 Submissions

• Read the 2005 Submissions