"Supporting an online e-learning environment" theme of two day workshop in Sioux Lookout

Jesse Fiddler (jessefiddler@knet.ca - Muskrat Dam) and Fernando Oliveira (fernandooliveira@knet.ca - Toronto) are leading a two day workshop in Sioux Lookout for First Nation education teams to explore strategies for the effective use of open source platforms for creating online e-learning environments.

The workshop is sponsored by Ontario's Regional Management Organization under INAC's First Nations SchoolNet program.

The workshop agenda ....

MoodleFN – Looking Ahead

October 25 & 26, 2007

October 25

9:30 AM - Admin Training for Meeting Place

Discussion Topics:

  1. Overview of the MoodleFN 1.5 program that’s currently used for Meeting Place
  2. What’s the difference between off-the-shelf Moodle and MoodleFN 1.5
  3. Overview of the server backend (installation, installing 3rd party modules, etc.)
  4. Overview of frontend (adding users, creating new courses, filters, etc.)

1:30 PM – The future of the K- Net Meeting Place

Discussion Topics:

  1. What should this space be about?
  2. How should it be connected to existing user lists and the new Drupal sites
  3. How can MoodleFN 1.8 be adapted to meet the needs of this Meeting Place site
  4. Next steps – where do we go from here.

October 26

9:30 AM – Creating Synergy between Ned.ca & FirstNationSchools.ca

Discussion Topics:

  1. Is there a way to allow teachers and students to move freely between these sites?
  2. Can Ned courses be advertised on local sites (via an optional Drupal block)
  3. Can these two sites share data (community profiles, maps, photos, etc.)

1:30 PM – An overview of MoodleFN 1.8 (Video Conference accompanied by Breeze session)

Discussion Topics:

  1. Overview of MoodleFN 1.8 (assignments, marking interface, FN settings, etc.)
  2. Overview of Moodle (blogs, roles and permissions, etc.)
  3. Bug reports and wish lists
  4. Brainstorming about an eLearning Objects Repository system for Native schools