Teenage Stress / Suicide Prevention theme of upcoming videoconference for First Nation schools

Press Release ... 

Eel Ground School Invites Media and Aboriginal Participation with Ground Breaking Video Conference on Teenage Stress/Suicide Prevention

Eel Ground , N.B. - October 25, 2007 (NNW) - On Thursday, November 1st. Eel Ground First Nation School in partnership with Atlantic First Nation Help Desk will host the National Video Conference on Teenage Stress/Suicide Prevention featuring the World Premiere of “After the Thunder: The Simon Bishop Story”. They are the winner of 5 awards at the 2007 N.B. Drama Festival. The school was honored this past Monday, October 22nd in Halifax by the All Chief’s Atlantic Congress with the Michael Augustine Award for their Extraordinary Work on FASD and Suicide.

The death of a well-liked former student was the catalyst for the school to tackle the sensitive subject in the hopes of preventing others from happening. The play converted to film has young Simon Bishop seeing the consequences of his actions and having to deal with it. The script and music is original and written by Mr. Johannes Bosma and Peggy Ward from the research of the students. It is a powerful story that all who care for our Youth will want to see. If interested in joining the Video conference or watching it on computer as it will be streamed go to http://www.firstnationhelp.com/ where you will see contact information and the time it will commence in your area.


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Media Contact:
Peter MacDonald
Principal, Eel Ground First Nation School
Telephone: (506) 627-4615