Chiefs of Ontario hosting Policy Forum with Ontario First Nations in December

COO News ... 

Ontario First Nations Policy Forum

October 23, 2007

Dear Leadership,

It is with great pleasure that I invite all Chiefs, Councillors, Education, Justice and Social Services employees to attend and provide their input at the Policy Forum.

The Chiefs of Ontario office is planning a Policy Forum to be held December 4-6, 2007 in Toronto at the Marriott Hotel Yorkville located at 90 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario.

The purpose of the Policy Forum is to provide the opportunity for First Nations leadership, technicians and policy staff to engage in a dialogue and provide feedback on important policy issues toward the development of policy positions. The Policy Forum will not be a decision-making forum and no resolutions will be passed. It is an opportunity to share information and obtain feedback from First Nations on the Final Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry, Education, and Social Services.

It is anticipated that Ipperwash recommendations and implementation will be covered on Day 1, Education on Day 2, and Social Services on Day 3.

In preparation for the upcoming Policy Forum we have made the following arrangements:


A block of rooms have been set aside at the Marriott Toronto Bloor Yorkville at a special rate of $139.00/night plus taxes, to book accommodations please contact the hotel directly toll-free 1-800-859-7180. Cut-off date for the guestroom rate is November 19, 2007. Please note that you will need to indicate that you are attending the Chiefs of Ontario meeting to obtain this special group rate. A credit card is required for booking – if no credit card is available at the time of check-in then a cash deposit will be required. Participants are responsible for their own travel costs and arrangements.


For air travel, please call your travel agent and give them the convention code numbers listed below to receive discount for travel. These discounts will apply to flights from all points in the Bearskin Airlines, West Jet and Air Canada system to Toronto. Travel is valid between December 3 to 7, 2007.

Airline / Convention #’s
Air Canada / JZY34QG1
Bearskin Airlines / COPF07
West Jet / QC #4858

If you don’t have a preferred travel agent, you may also call Marlin Travel and ask for Candace at 1-800-465-6922 or by email

Craft/Display Tables:

To reserve a table, please contact Margaret Carpenter at 1-877-517-6527.


Unfortunately, no expenses will be covered for this meeting. A Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided for the duration of the Policy Forum.

Please find attached conference poster and registration form. Please complete the registration form and return by fax to the Chiefs of Ontario, attention Margaret Carpenter (416) 597-8365 or E-mail For planning purposes, we would appreciate receiving registration forms in advance of the Policy Forum.

Once finalized draft agendas for each session will be forthcoming.

On behalf of the Chiefs of Ontario, we look forward to seeing you all at the Policy Forum. Should you have any questions please contact Dianne Simon at 1-877-517-6527 or email at

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