New voting system is "just a matter of time" giving voters more choices and stronger demoncracy

VOTE FOR MMP press release ...

Another unbalanced legislature demonstrates need for electoral reform

TORONTO – October 11, 2007:  Yesterday's Ontario election once again produced results mismatched with voter preferences, and a phoney-majority government facing a weaker opposition than Ontarians voted for.

The 58 per cent of Ontarians who voted for opposition parties received only 33 per cent of the seats, significantly weakening the checks and balances needed for accountable and effective government. Meanwhile, the party receiving just 42 per cent of the vote has been given a false "mandate" to act as though it enjoyed majority support of the electorate.

"This week's election results in both Ontario and Newfoundland underline the need for the electoral reform process to continue in Ontario and across Canada," said Rick Anderson chair of Vote for MMP, the campaign that supported the mixed member proportional alternative proposed by the Ontario Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform.

Had the mixed member proportional (MMP) system proposed in the referendum been used in this election, with similar voting patterns the resulting Legislature would have been very different, and more in line with voters' choices:

- The Liberals' 42% would have earned approximately 59 seats, rather than 71.

- The Progressive Conservatives would have had about 39 seats, rather than 26.  As in 2003, the Tories would have gained more under MMP than any other party and been much better able to provide numerically-effective opposition to the Government

- The NDP would have had about 21 seats rather than 10.

- The Green Party, whose 352,000 voters are today totally unrepresented in the Legislature, would have earned about 10 seats.

Anderson cautioned against the usual overstatement of the re-elected government's "mandate".  "Many more Ontarians voted for the other three parties - for the Progressive Conservatives, NDP and Greens - than voted for the Government," said Anderson.

"Likewise, Newfoundlanders are now cursed with a wildly unbalanced Legislature and unopposed government, where the 30% of voters who voted for the opposition received only 8% of the seats - and the Government has a totally free hand to do as it will. This is no way to practice democratic governance."
"Unfortunately, Ontario's historic referendum opportunity was marred by a pathetically-inadequate public education campaign by the Legislature and Elections Ontario. A cornerstone of democratic decision-making is the concept of an 'informed voter'.  But neither the Legislature nor EO ensured that voters had the substance of the Citizens Assembly's report," said Anderson. "Instead, voters had little or no information, coupled with a great deal of misinformation from opponents of reform."

Anderson also noted that those who cast votes for the status quo are not only voters who actually support the antiquated first-past-the-post system. Included in that tally are those who felt they had far too little information to vote for something new and those who actually support electoral reform, but would like to see a proportional system with different features.

Anderson said last night's referendum result is more a delay than defeat for those who want to see a new voting system that gives voters more choice, fairer results and stronger democratic representation.

"Several days ago, a poll illustrated a huge generational divide on the electoral reform issue. Had this referendum been limited to voters between ages 18 and 34, we would have easily exceeded the 60% threshold, according to the poll. The younger generation is clearly not going to tolerate the antiquated political machinery of a bygone era," said Anderson. "Electoral reform is now on the agenda of the nation and even skeptics, such as Professor Nelson Wiseman, concede that the introduction of proportional voting in Canada is now just a matter of time."


A message from Larry Gordon, Campaign Manager
Vote for MMP

For the past several months, thousands of us joined together in an effort to make the Ontario referendum the breakthrough event for fair voting in Canada.

We fell short on winning that immediate victory, but should not ignore what was accomplished. Despite a pathetically inadequate public education program from Elections Ontario, more than one-and-a-half million Ontarians cast a ballot for mixed-member proportional (MMP). More voted for MMP than for three of the four major parties.

Unfortunately, more people cast votes for first-past-the-post, but no one should interpret that tally as votes for the status quo. Mixed in that tally were many votes from people who did not have the information available to evaluate the alternatives, as well as those who supported some type of proportion voting reform, but not the version on the ballot.

Not only did our campaign mobilize an energetic and highly motivated grassroots network in recent weeks, but we also attracted an amazing list of endorsements from notable Ontarians. If you haven't scanned the list recently, check it out: Those of us who voted for MMP were in good company.

In a message to local volunteers this morning, Peter Black, the Ottawa campaign manager, put it this way: "Well, 37% voted for MMP and the press called it a resounding defeat. Only 42% votes for Mr. McGuinty and the press call it a resounding victory. That's first-past-the-post for you!"

And since we're doing quotes, those who have been active in the Fair Vote network since its inception in 2001 will enjoy this one from Mahatma Gandhi: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Back in 2001, we were in the "ignore" stage, quickly followed by the "laugh at you" stage. Beginning with the BC referendum in 2005 and in the past few months in Ontario, we moved into the thick of the fight.

Below you will see the press release we issued this morning, which includes a quote from Rick Anderson, our campaign chair, noting why we should all remain optimistic that voting reform is not a matter of "if", but "when".

"Several days ago, a poll illustrated a huge generational divide on the electoral reform issue. Had this referendum been limited to voters between ages 18 and 34, we would have easily exceeded the 60% threshold, according to the poll. The younger generation is clearly not going to tolerate the antiquated political machinery of a bygone era," said Anderson. "Electoral reform is now on the agenda of the nation and even skeptics, such as Professor Nelson Wiseman, concede that the introduction of proportional voting in Canada is now just a matter of time."

After the dust settles and we all have a chance to rest and recharge, we'll begin gearing up for the next round in the fight for fair voting.

The BC referendum is just two years away, a charter challenge against first-past-the-post may be on the horizon, and other opportunities will be emerging as we move forward.

In the meantime, on behalf of the campaign team, thanks for your support, hard work and enthusiasm.