KO Telemedicine hightlighted at Aboriginal Health Care gathering in Thunder Bay

Donna Williams, KOTM manager, briefed the participants attending the Aboriginal Health Care Conference on community telehealth initiatives.  Lillian Suganaqueb, the Health Director of Webequie First Nation, told the gathering of the challenges faced by community members accessing health care and praised the impact of KOTM in improving health care access.  Lisa Sarsfield of the Ontario Telehealth Network said there is a strong partnership between OTN, KO Telemedicine and now Metis Nation of Ontario, the newest Aboriginal organization in Ontario to deliver telehealth, but she said more needs to be done.  Julie Meekis, the KO telemedicine site facilitator in North Spirit Lake First Nation, told the gathering that she has witnessed many changes to telemedicine since she started years ago as one of the first Community Telehealth Coordinators in the north.  "I can't even imagine what it would be like not to have telehealth in this community," she said.  Loma Rowlinson, the Provincial Tele-Health Coordinator for Metis Nation of Ontario, praised Donna Williams for her support as  the MNO moves into the field.  She also praised Brian Beaton and his team at K-Net Services for all the work "teaching us and keeping us on-line."  She also thanked Carl Seibel, the telecommunications officer at FedNor, for his support and praised his leadership and rare vision.  To see photo, click here.