First Nations SchoolNet program offers free online supplementary courses for Grades 7 and 8

First Nation schools across Ontario are invited to register their Grade 7 and Grade 8 classes in this year's online supplementary courses that will begin October 8.

The popular G8 program is now expanding to offer Grade 7 English Literacy and Mathematics supplementary material for First Nation students. As well, teachers are now being supported to start developing and delivering their own courses using the modified MoodleFN e-learning platform. Check out this exciting online learning initiative at - Supporting e-learning in First Nation Schools.

From About the G7 & G8 Program ...
The G7 and G8 Supplementary Courses Program (previously known as the "G8 Program") provides free online courses to students in First Nation elementary schools.  The program enables grade 7 and 8 classrooms across Ontario to participate in an online learning program that aims to:

  • Improve students’ computer, science, math and literacy skills
  • Help prepare students for high school
  • Promote awareness and pride in First Nations identity, events and issues
  • Connect students and teachers from First Nations schools across Ontario

The G7 - G8 Program is designed to enrich – not replace – classroom learning in the areas of Math, Science and English Literacy. To participate in the program, students are required to access the Internet for three hours per week (scheduled according to the preference of the local teacher). During this time, students work to complete short assignments written especially for First Nation schools and, if their work is up to date, they may also exchange messages with students from other First Nation schools. All assignments will be marked by a certified teacher.  Local teachers are required to provide supervision and guidance as their student progress through each course. Spaces are limited so teachers are advised to register their class early.