KO Telemedicine Updates from the KOTM Program Manager

Canada Health Infoway Announces 100% Funding for First Nations Telehealth Initiatives

Telehealth is closer to becoming available to First Nations is Canada as a result of the recent announcement by Canada Health Inforway (CHI) to fund the development and implementation of Telehealth/Telemedicine in First Nations communities provided they are integrated with provincial networks. 

This is great news for KO Telemedicine which is working on a CHI Proposal along with Nishnawbe Aski Nation and the Chief's of Ontario to identify a Telehealth/Telemedicine implementation strategy for First Nations in Ontario. 

The CHI proposal will fund the setup and implementation costs associated with Telehealth/Telemedicine expansion. 

However, the ongoing sustainability of FN Telemedicine requires support from both the Ministry of Health  and the First Nations Inuit Health Regional office and  sigatories from the provincial and federal governments are required prior to moving forward.


KO Telemedicine Meets with First Nation Inuit Health

In Ottawa to promote KO Telemedicine, Donna Williams (Program Manager), Nancy Muller (Regional Telemedicine Coordinator) and Gibbet Stevens (Education Coordinator) met with health program staff at the FNIH regional office. 

The focus of the trip was to engage Health Canada, FNIH staff to utilize KO Telemedicine and KNet videoconferencing to support health program administration and service delivery to First Nations communities in Ontario.  The KOTM team and program were well recieved and there are many plans to start utilizing videoconferncing for health programs such as; Environmental Health, Pandemic Planning, Immunization, Nursing, and Chronic Disease management.

In addition, KOTM was able to meet with the Associate Director of FNIB, Ontario Region to discuss the need to expand FN Telemedicine beyond the Sioux Lookout Zone and a draft copy of a proposal was shared outlining an implementation strategy. 

Although appreciative of the impacts Telemedicine is making towards increasing access in First Nations, there is a lack of Telehealth/Telemedicine policy for First Nations, putting future funding for KO Telemedicine at risk and limiting the availabilty of Telehealth/Telemedicine for all First Nations in Ontaro.